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I woke up with then last nights memories occurred  in my mind. I shift to my left and see Kendall's beautiful face.

"Take a picture it will last longer" Kenny says opening her eyes

"Good morning" I say

"Good morning baby" Kenny says putting her arm around me

"I love you so much" I tell Kenny

"Not as much as I love you" She says

I then heard my phone ringing realizing It was Bella. I forgot to call them last night.

"Hey Bells" I answered

"Hey Sis we tried calling yesterday but you didn't answer" Bella said

"Yea sorry Kenny and I had came to the hotel early and we were really tired so we fell asleep" I lied

"So when are you guys leaving" Gigi asks

"Um we should be leaving in a few hours" I say

"Hey guys" Kendall cuts in

"Hey ken" Bella and G say

"Have you been taking care of our baby sister" G asks

I noticed something wrong with Kendall she almost looked upset.

"Um yea I promise she's alright" She answers

"Ok well we are gonna leave soon so I'll see you in a couple of hours" I say

"Ok be safe love you"

"Love you too"

We had gathered our items and got onto the jet. Kendall hasn't said much since the phone call I was worried. I was currently editing my Paris vlog for YouTube obviously leaving out Kendall and I's date.

"Hey Ken did I do something" I ask her

"What do you mean?" She asks

"You just seem off" I say and she stayed quiet

"Was it the phone call" I say

"Theo we are lying to your sisters and everyone else about our relationship. God you are still in high school!" She says with a loud tone

"Yea but I'm 18 I can date whoever I want. And I thought you wanted to keep tis a secret too" I say

"I'm having second thoughts" She says

my heart dropped

"No! I mean I love you so much but Theo we can't keep this a secret forever. We have been dating for two months." Kendall says

"So are you saying we should tell everyone" I ask

"I don't know" She answers

"But Theo I know your sisters. They love you and are so protective over you. I know they are not gonna like this at first."

"Well if they don't like it I can move in with you. Isn't your house done next week?" I ask

"Theo they are gonna hate me even more If you move in with me" She says. She then interlocks our hands

"I want to make this work Theo, I love You so much" She says

"But I don't know if I can see your sisters knowing I am keeping this from them. I feel so guilty." She says

"Ken I love you too. And I promise we are gonna make this work. Maybe we can tell them after I graduate" I say

"There is no way we can keep this a secret  for another three months" Kenny says

"Well lets just enjoy this while we can and talk about it another time" I say

We are now off the Jet and Kendall is driving me back home. This has definitely been the best trip I've ever been on. Kendall currently has her hand secured on my thigh while the other one is on the wheel. It's crazy knowing that I knew Kendall for so long and even crushed on her and now were dating.

"Hey were here" Kendall says, I then realize were outside my house

"Do you wanna come in?" I ask

"I would but I don't think I can face your sisters right now. I'm sorry" She says

"Ok well I'll see you next week?" I ask

"I'm actually kind of busy but I'll find time" She says

"Well I better get going now" I say grabbing my bags

Before I can leave Kendall grabs my face with her hands and kisses me

"I love you Theodora" She says

"I love you too Ken" I say and as I get out of the car

I blow her a kiss and shut the door and head towards my house. I look behind me and see Kendall has left the driveway.

"I'M HOME" I yell when I enter my house

Soon enough I hear foot steps coming down the stairs

"THEO" both my sisters yell then tackle me with a big hug

"I missed you" Bella says

"I missed you guys too" I say

"Oh hey Zayn" I say seeing him walk down the stairs

"Hey Theo, have a good trip?" He asked

Before I can even answer Bella interrupts  me

"Zayn shut up" Bella says "Did you get my pastries from the bakery?" She asks

"Oh umm about that..."

thank you everyone for reading!!!

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