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It's graduation day! Theo is finally graduating high school. It's an exciting day for everyone. Theo is so happy she doesn't have to deal with Terrible teachers and immature Teens.

Theo was currently getting ready for the event. Her sisters, Kendall, And her mother were going to be there. (let's pretend Anwar doesn't exist lol)

The Hadid sisters, Kendall, and Yolanda (their mother) were all downstairs waiting for Theo.

"So Kendall how have you been?" Yolanda asks

"I've been really good. Busy with work, just the usual" Kendall replies

"Ahh yes, You were always an excellent model. You should really talk Theo into it she wants to stick with that youtube crap. I keep telling her she needs to get out there and get actual jobs" Yolanda says

Kendall didn't know how to respond. She knew Theo hated modeling and she would never force Theo to do something she hates.

"Mother you know Theo hates modeling stop trying to force her" Bella interrupts

"I just want what's best for her. And I think Kendall can help her since they are dating" Yolanda replies

Kendall just stayed silent. She never was fond of Yolanda. And Theo didn't have the greatest relationship with her mother.

"I'm ready" Theo says as she walks down the stairs

Kendall looked up at Theo and was mesmerized. She was Stunning.

"Oh honey you look amazing! You should think about modeling" Yolanda says giving Theo a hug

"Oh my god Sis you look amazing!" Gigi says

"So beautiful Theo" Bella says

"Ok well we should get going"Yolanda says

"Ok i'll be right back I need to get something" Theo says going to her room. As Kendall followed

Theo went to grab her Cap and gown from her room.

"You look amazing baby" Kendall says leaning against the door

"Thanks Kenny" Theo blushes

Kendall grabs Theo's face and gives her many kisses

"Ken stop we have to go" Theo laughs

"Ok let's go" Kendall says

(i'm skipping the graduation because i'm to lazy to write it lol)

"Theo I can't believe you graduated! You are growing up to fast!" Gigi said

They had just finished dinner and we're now back and the hadid's house. Theo skipped All the parties and such, she wasn't a fan of high school parties anymore.

"Well Theo I was talking to your manager and we found a modeling-"

"Mother I told you I don't want to model" Theo says interrupting her Mother

"Sweat heart you have the perfect body and you're stunning you should give it a chance" Yolanda said

"No offense Yolanda but Theo isn't passionate about it so stop forcing her to do it, She clearly loves making videos and she's amazing at it. Theo has a talent in making videos and you should be proud" Kendall says

Bella and Gigi look at her shocked. Did she really just say that to their mother? Theo also looked shocked. Theo never stood up for herself against her mother.

"Well then If you want to make videos then go ahead. You're just wasting a perfectly good body of yours" Yolanda says

"I think I should get going now. Theo, congratulations darling. I love you guys" Yolanda says walking out

At this point Theo had tears running down her face. Was her Mother really not supportive at all? It hurt Theo knowing her Mother was so cruel even to her own daughter

"Oh baby don't cry" Kendall says taking Theo into her arms

The Hadid sisters also noticed and went and comforted the youngest Hadid.

"Thanks guys. I love you all so much" Theo says

"We love you too" They all responded

"So you guys ready for the trip?"

this chapter is terrible😭 anyways should i make kendall g!p ?

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