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The Next Day

Maybe going to school was a bad idea. Theo was bombarded by students asking her questions she couldn't even get to class without someone asking her about Kendall. It was Chaotic.

"I'm home" Theo says walking in the house

"Hey sis how was the day back" Bella asks

"Terrible I couldn't even go three seconds without someone asking me questions. Also where G ?"

"Oh she had to fly to New York for a shoot. She should be back in a few days" Bella says

"Oh i was hoping I could catch up with you guys" Theo says sadly

"Well i'm here" Bella says

"Oh wait I forgot Ken is coming over today" Theo says excited

"Aww lovebirds" Bella says pinching Theo's cheeks

"I missed you so much" Theo moaned

Theo and Kendall were currently making out in Theo's room. It's only been a day but Kendall was so used to Theo staying at her house and Same for Theo.

"HEY!" Bella yells barging into Theo's room

"Jesus Bella you scared me" Theo says

"Keep the door open" Bella says

"Bella just go away please" Theo says

"Umm no i'm your big sister you do what i say" Bella adds

"Bells i'm eighteen I can do whatever I want. Go away" Theo says annoyed

"Theo be nice to your sister" Kendall says

"Thank you Kenny" Bella says

"But seriously can you go away" Kenny adds

"You guys are mean. Whatever" Bella scoffs and walks away

Theo and Kendall just stare at each other

"Bella needs to get laid" Kendall says and Theo hits her

"Stop. You know how it's been after she broke up with Abel" Theo tells Kendall

"Yea I know. I just want her to be happy" Kendall adds

Abel also know as the Weeknd and Bella dated for a very long time but decided to break up. Bella was heartbroken.

"Yea me too" Theo says

"Anyways have you guys been okay. Like are you back to the way you guys used to be" Theo asks while sitting in Kendall's lap

"Yea I mean i'm pretty sure we're all right. I don't know she's just been off" Kendall says

"Yea. I still think she's getting used to us" Theo says

"Anyways where we're we?"

Kendall ended up going home and Theo worked on some work she had missed the past few days.

"Can i come in?" Bella asks knocking on Theo's door

"Yea of course, What's up?" Theo asks

"I feel like we have been distant lately and I want to fix that" Bella says sitting next to her sister

"Maybe we can go out tonight. Have some fun before I start working again" Bella adds

"I'd love that Bells" Theo says

"So tell me about Kendall" Bell asks

"Huh? You've know her for years" Theo states

"I know, but I want to know how she is with you" Bella asked

"Well she's super protective of me. She likes to take us on picnics a lot, especially in Malibu. She texts me good morning and good night. She's just amazing" Theo says

"I love that you have someone like Ken, I really
do. But you guys do have a big age gap." Bella adds

"Oh my god so what. We love each other at least we're not like ten years part" Theo tells Bella

"Theo I just don't want to see you get hurt. Kendall tends to have short relationships" Bella says

"Bella just admit you don't like us together" Theo huffs

"Well Sis I care about you and I know how Ken can be with Girls" Bella adds

"What do you mean" Theo asked

Bella and Theo ended their conversation and went out to dinner. Theo was still wondering what Bella meant by "I know how Ken can be with girls"
So Theo decided to call her

"Hi baby" Kendall says

"Hey Ken"

"How was your evening love?" Ken asks

Theo loved when she called her names. It always made her get butterflies

"It was good" Theo says

"What's wrong" Kendall asks

"Bella mentioned something earlier. She said "I know how Ken can be with girls" she tells Kendall

Kendall stayed silent

"Well I used to party, like a lot. And uhh I used to hook up with a lot of people at those parties. And I was never really into relationships" Kendall admits

"But I've changed. I'm not who I used to be" Kendall adds

"Why didn't you tell me" Theo asks

"Well i was kind of embarrassed" Kendall says

"You don't have to be embarrassed Ken, I love you no matter what"

"I love you too Angel"

thanks for reading!!

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