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Today has been a terrible day. I failed a test at school, I forgot my money, and The Paparazzi showed up at school. The only good thing is Kendall is coming over because Bella and Gigi are out a shoot all day.

"Hey Ken" I say as I open the door

"Hello my love" She says and kisses me on the cheek

"Wow you look amazing" She says

"Thank you. I got dressed up just for you" I tell her

"Why?" she said and I looked at her confused

"Why dress up when I'm just gonna take the clothes right off" She says and carries me to my room

Yea Kendall definitely made my day so much better. Now here we are laying under the sheets with no worries of paparazzi or sisters.

"I missed your lips" Kendall says pecking my lips and neck

"I missed you so much" I say back

"Not as much as I missed you" Kendall says now giving me sloppy kisses

"Hey Theo have yo- WHAT THE FUCK" Bella yells

oh shit...

"Bella what are you doing here" I ask and she completely ignores me


"Hey what's going o- omg!" Gigi says shocked as she enters the room

"Bella can we get changed we will talk about it-


"Bella stop let them get ready!" Gigi says to Bella

Bella storms out of the room and Gigi Closes the door and gives one last disappointed look and she closes it.

"Well at least they know now" Kendall says trying to lighten up the mood

"Shut up Ken" I say

We got our clothes on and I open my bedroom door nervously. I honestly have never felt so scared in my life. Kendall gives me a nod and kisses me one last time before we go down stairs. As we walk downstairs I can see Bella standing against the wall with her arms crossed while tapping her foot and Gigi is siting patiently on the couch. We take a few steps closer to them and Bella walks towards Kendall and slaps her straight across the face.

"OWW WHAT THE FUCK" Kendall says shocked

Gigi held Bella back whispering for her to stop

"Ok you guys better explain everything right now!' Bella says

"Ok look i'm sorry I didn't mean for you guys to find out like this" I say to them

I was actually scared of my sister. Not only for myself mostly for Kendall. She literally just slapped her across the face.

"How long?" Gigi asks

"We've been dating for three months" I say

Bella looked like she was gonna kill.

"BELLA STOP" I yell holding her back from attacking Kendall

G and I finally had her under control

"Ok- " Kendall cuts me off and starts talking

"Before I even say anything I'm sorry you guys had to find out this way. I'm so sorry, I really am. But Can you please just here me out. Being with Theodora has been amazing. I have never felt this way with somebody in my entire life. And I'm so in love with her"

And that's what made Bella crack


"I'M 18 STOP TREATING ME LIKE A BABY" I yell even louder then Bella

Gigi decides to cut in

"Kendall can you just go home" She says


Kendall grabs her keys are starts heading out the door

"WE ARE DONE KENDALL I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN" Bella yells and shuts the front door

"ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID" I yell at my sisters

"I'm sorry I dated her behind your back but I knew you would act like this. That week in Paris was the best week of my life! I have never felt so wanted in my life but you had to ruin it! I LOVE HER!" I yell

"No you don't" Bella says with a lower tone and walks out of the room

"G please listen to me" I beg

"Would you break up with Zayn if Bella and I didn't like him? No you wouldn't because you love him. I love Kendall and I would do anything for her!" I say and G looked upset

"Theo I'm not mad. But I'm disappointed you didn't tell us. Now look I'm ok with you and Kendall but you have to realize this is gonna take some getting used to" She says then leaves the room

I locked myself in my room. I packed a suitcase and decided its best if I stayed with Kendall. I walk downstairs and see Bella and G sitting and talking in the Kitchen. I walk past them and head towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Bella asks not even looking at me

"You know where" I say then shut the door

welp sorry it had to come

my sister's best friend Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ