twenty one

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"So Zayn and I talked and we decided we're gonna stay here in Cali" Gigi says

The Hadid Sisters were currently at Kendall's house having dinner. It's been a week since they heard Gigi's big news and Couldn't be more excited

"Yay now I can watch the baby" Theo laughs

"That's great G. You guys are gonna be amazing parents" Kendall tells Gigi

"Awww thanks Ken" Gigi says

"I'm sorry guys I'm still gonna go to New York. I just haven't been myself lately and I love it there, it's pretty much my home. I just wanna go back" Bella tells the girls

"That's okay Bells, We understand" Theo hugs Bella

"We're gonna miss you Sis" Gigi tells Bella

"Yea Bells Who Am I gonna paint with now?" Kendall asks

Bella laughs
"Well I'll always come and visit Ken"

"Are you nervous about the baby" Kendall asks Gigi

"Honestly a little bit. But i'm so excited Zayn and I already bought baby stuff. I feel like I'll be a good mom, hopefully" Gigi tells Kendall

"G you'll be an amazing mom. You basically raised Theo, She tells me she sees you more as a mother figure more than your own mom." Kendall says

"Ken thanks for taking care of Theo. I couldn't ask for someone better for her. So do you want kids?" G asks

"Yea I do. Theo and I even talked about it" Kendall says

"Uhh Theo is a little young to have kids" Gigi says

"In the future. I told her whenever she's ready I'm ready" Kendall says

"Make sure you call us everyday. Oh and don't forget to take your vitamins, Oh and don't-

"G she's a big girl she can handle herself" Theo tells Gigi

They were currently outside of the Hadid's private jet. Bella was heading off to New York. The girls were very emotional.

"I'll be fine G" Bella hugs Gigi

"I'll be back soon munchkin" Bella says holding Gigi's stomach

the girls laugh

"Kenny take care of my sister and make sure she doesn't get black out drunk again" Bella laughs hugging Kendall

"It only happened two times" Theo pouts

"I'll call you everyday okay? Take care little sister" Bella hugs Theo

"I'll miss you Bells" Theo tears up

"I promise I'll visit a lot" Bella says

They get in a group hug one last time and say their goodbyes. They watched The Jet take off. The Hadid sisters haven't been apart, they always do stuff together. But it was finally time they separate ways for a while. Bella living in NY, Theo living with Kendall, and Gigi finally having the house to herself and her growing family.

"I haven't talked to Bella in a while" Theo says laying  next to Kendall

"I'm sure she's busy Babe. You've been busy lately working on your channel, interviews, and acting"

Theo has gotten more into acting. She took some acting classes a few years ago and she decided to do some acting gigs. So far she's gotten a role in a tv show but just for one season.

"Yea you're right. I just miss her" Theo says

"I miss her too" Kendall says

"Maybe she has a boyfriend" Theo laughs

"God every time she gets a boyfriend she never shuts up about them" Kendall laughs

"Both my sisters have had many boyfriends" Theo says

"What about you?" Kendall asks

"I haven't had many relationships" Theo says

"Tell me about them" Kendall says

"Well freshman year I had a boyfriend named Jackson, we dated for about five months till I found out he was talking to other girls" Theo laughs

"Hey that's isn't funny. Well he truly missed out" Kendall says giving Theo a kiss

"So he's your only ex?" Kendall asks

"No I dated a girl my junior year. Her name was Natalie. We only dated for like a month, It didn't really work out" Theo says

"But that's pretty much it" Theo says

"Well I guess it's my turn" Kendall says

"Well I was in the closet all of high school so I didn't really date much. I did date one girl in high school secretly, her name was Valerie. Everyone thought we were friends but we dated for about a year until we graduated then I broke up with her" Kendall says

"Why'd you break up with her?" Theo asks

"Just wasn't the right time I guess. And I was always busy and she knew that." Kendall says

"The next girl I dated was Cara. Everyone kind of knew we were dating but we still wanted to keep it lowkey. We dated also for about a year. She was the first person I fell in love with. But after a while it faded away. But we're still good friends now" Kendall says

"I knew you guys seemed a little too close" Theo and Kendall laugh

"So that's it?" Theo asks

"Uhh I dated  one of kylie's friends for a month or two I honestly forgot her name. Then I dated like three other girls but I never really loved any of them" Kendall says

"So Cara was the only one you loved" Theo asks

"Yup. And now you of course" Kendall says

Theo Blushes

"You're my first love" Theo say looking and Kendall

"First and only love"

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