Chapter 31 - The Garden

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I only own the character I going to write. Rest belongs to the right full owners

The Group entered the Bentar and buckled in. "Okay" Rocket turned back in his seat when they were out of earth's atmosphere. "Who here hasn't been to space"

Rhodes, Natasha and Steve raised their hands. Y/N, Thor and Carol were the only ones who didn't.

"Why?" Rhodes asked.

"You better not throw up on my ship"

Natasha turned in her seat and looked at Y/N, who sat behind Steve, with a brow raised.

"You will get a little dizzy, but only for a few seconds" Y/N gave her a reassuring smile.

Nebula placed her hand in the lever.
"Approaching Jump in 3...2....1"

Steve grabbed Y/Ns hand.

As soon as she pushed down the lever, a bright light filled their vision and the ship propelled forward in high speed. The pressure applied to their bodies did not last long, but it was enough to spin of their stomachs until they aggressively churned.

Carol, not being winded by the fast travel, exited the ship and flew down to the planet. "I'll head down fro recon"

Y/N looked at the planet with anger. Once she sees Thanos again, she will make him wish he wasn't born.

"No satellites, no ships, no armies" Carol informed when she returned. "No ground defenses of any kind. It's just him"

"And that's enough" Nebula stated.

The ship entered the atmosphere, and landed near a garden. Thanos was stotting in some kind of a hut, making food. Of course food were no longer on his mind when Carol attacked him in a beam of fire and Bruce burst through the floor in his Hull-sized iron man suit. Thor and Rhodey joined and and him well contained when Natasha, Steve Rocket, Nebula and Y/N walked in.

The gauntlet that had changed the universe, was just laying there on the floor, as if it was in no longer use. Y/N turned the Gauntlet over for the stones, but once she did, her face went pale. The stones were gone.


"Where are they?" Steve spoke up, demanding to know.

Carol tightened her arm around Thanos' neck threatening "Answer the question"

"The universe required correction" Thanos spoke "And after that, the stones served no purpose beyond temptation"

Banner couldn't take it "You killed trillions!" he shouted and shoved Thanos roughly.

"You should be grateful"

Natasha glared at Thanos "Where are the Stones?"

Y/N sighed sadly and stood up, after she was done exaiming the gauntlet.

"They're gone" Y/N said, looking at everyone, with sadness and with no hope.


Y/N looked at Thanos wanting to kill him so, so bad.

"He destroyed them"

"He used them two days ago!" Banner cried out.

"I used the stones the to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the worl is done. It always will be" Thanos straightened himself up.
"I'm inevitable"

Rhodey shook his head, refusing to accept the truth. "We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying"

"My father is many things." Nebula spoke up "A liar is not one of them"

So far yet so near (Thor x Older sister x Loki) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin