Chapter 11 - Battle Of The Chitauri

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only own the character I going to write. Rest belongs to the right full owners

As the Quinjet approached New York, Y/N could already see the Chitauri already invading.

"Stark, we're heading Northeast" Nat reported.

"What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay'em out for you"

Tony flew by with small amount of Chitauri following him. Nat dropped the guns and began to shoot the aliens.

Clint turned the ship and began to fly towards Stark Tower. Loki aimed the scepter at the jet and let out a shot, taking out one of the engines. The jet spun slowly, crashing to the ground.

Y/N was the first to exit the ship, looking up at Stark Tower where Loki was staying.

When the team exited the ship everything seemed to stop. A deep, primal rage bellowed out. A large shadow overcame the group as they looked up. A creature that could only be described as a flying Leviathan flew out of the portal. On top of the creature was hundreds of soldiers.

The soldiers jumped from the creature, attaching themselves to the sides of the buildings and shooting at innocent civilians.

"Stark, are you seeing this?" Steve asked.

"I'm seeing, still working on believing. Where's Banner? Ha she shown up yet?"


"Just keep me posted" Tony sighed.

Y/N summoned her two black whips and stepped to the edge of the bridge. She was ready to jump onto the road below before Clint calling her name stopped her.

"Y/N, you can call me Clint"

Y/N gave him a smile and jumped off of the bridge. As she jumped she swung her whips, that wrapped themselves around the Chitauris necks. She then pulled them hard enough to throw them to the sky, beheaded.

Steve followed after her, talking to the police for a few moments before returning to the battle.

Y/N spotted a bus, full of people trying to gain refuge from the aliens. She summoned two daggers, using them to pry open the doors.

"Everyone you must leave now, go into the basement or a subway!" She ordered.

As the people flooded out of the vehicle and onto the street, Steve and Y/N worked together to make sure none of the Chitauris hurt the people.

Y/N saw a little child running away from some Chitauri's. Her eyes widen as the aliens pointed their guns at him. She moved her legsand ran towards the child, wrapping her arms around him. Using her body as a shield. Y/N closed her eyes and was ready for the impact to happen but it never came. She cracked open a eye and saw Steve standing there, covering them with his shield.

Steve took out the Chitauri's and helped Y/N to stand up, as she still had the child in her arms.

"Y/N are you alright?"

"Yes...Thank you"

Stave gave Y/N a smile and looked at the child.

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