Chapter Thirteen

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"Hello... yes... do you need to?... OK, I'll let them know" And with that, Cade hangs up the phone and places it back down.

"Who was that?" I ask curiously.

"Jace. He was updating me on your dad and when you guys can go home."

"So is it soon? That we can go home" I ask.

"It was like your dad thought. After news got out about you guys getting kidnapped, the threats seemed to double. Jace thinks it will be a while longer before you guys can go home" Cade answers before returning to his phone, probably doing 'business'. Ryder continues to talk to me with Ari just listening and joining in every so often. After about twenty more minutes we had enough of the cold and decided to get out. I use my good leg and push myself onto the side of the hot tub and swing my legs over the side.

"Ugh, we forgot towels" I say towards Ari.

"Here" Cade says handing me his slightly damp towel he had just used. I say 'thanks' as I quickly dry off my ankle and the rest of my body. I then wrap the towel around my body Ari mirrors my actions with Ryder's towel. Cade picks up the boot from the ground and secures it around my leg.

"Oh my goodness, I have the perfect idea of what we're going to do. Let's go get changed and meet in the living room. Oh and Ryder, can you get the rest of the boys who aren't busy?" I ask with a feeling of excitement.

"Whatever you say boss" Ryder says while laughing. I quickly jump off the hot tub and make my way towards my room to get dressed. Looking around my closet I find the sweatshirt my dad packed me hidden in the bag and end up putting it on along with a pair of jeans I had just bought that previous day. I finish of the look with fuzzy socks and my tennis shoes. I grab my phone as I exit the room and head back downstairs. I make it down the stairs and am met with everybody but Justin, Jason, and Cade.

"Where are the other boys?" I ask nobody in particular. Because if any of them weren't truly busy, then you better believe I'll make sure they come out here.

"Justin is out with friends" Luke shares.

"OK fair enough, but where is Cade and Jason?" I ask. Nobody answers, so I take it upon myself to figure it out. "Hold on then" I say as I walk towards the stairs and don't stop until I'm in front of Cade's room knocking repeatedly on the door. Within seconds Cades at the door.

"Why aren't you downstairs?" I question with my hands on my hips.

"I have work to do" Cade answers before trying to close the door. Keyword 'trying', seeing as I put my hand out to stop the door and push it back open.

"What possible work do you have to do? You do security," I question.

"I'm helping Tyler and Jace determine what threats against you are serious and which ones aren't" he answers.

"How do you do that?"

"We have to do research and find out where the threat originated from" Cade states.

"That's fun and all, but that can wait till later. Right now we have more important things to do" I say, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the stairs. "Do you know where Jason is?"

"Yeah, I think he went to visit my parents" Cade answers as we reach the living room.

"OK then, that leaves us I guess" I say once we reach the group.

"What are we doing?" Cade asks looking slightly annoyed.

"Ugh, you seriously lack patience. Anyway, I brought you all here so we could decorate the house for Christmas" I say with a grin.

Never Safe ✔︎ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant