Cancelled Match

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It was quite nice to get the Slytherin match over with, as my next match was only at the very end of the year, and I could loosen up practices for a couple of weeks. This also allowed me to attend my apparition lessons without missing anything quidditch-related. The Gryffindor quidditch match, however, was coming up, and I could see Oliver forcing his team to practice every night after dinner.

I walked over to the Gryffindor table just as Oliver was loading his team's plates up with scrambled eggs. The Potter kid seemed to be so out of it, that his jaw was hanging slightly ajar.

"Oh hey there Stone!" Oliver said cheerily. "Come to wish your hero good luck."

"Remove the 'your hero' part and you would be correct in your assumption." I snickered.

"Well you don't need to," he gleamed, "Our chances at winning the cup this year are higher than ever."

"We'll see about that." I grinned.


I watched as the teams walked onto the field to tumultuous applause. Oliver Wood took off for a warm-up flight around the goalposts slowed down near where I was sitting, and I could've sworn he gave me a slight wink as Madam Hooch released the balls. The Hufflepuffs, who played in canary yellow, were standing in a huddle, having a last-minute discussion of tactics.

I watched Oliver gracefully loop around the goalposts, swerving in and out of them, looking as though he was born with a broomstick in hand. I felt my heart give a slight flutter, as though preparing for a takeoff out of my chest.

My heart dropped quickly, however, when I saw McGonagall nearly running, or moving about anyhow, faster than I had ever seen her. She was carrying an enormous purple megaphone, and even from where I sat high up in the air, I could tell this would be nothing but bad news.

"This match has been cancelled," Professor McGonagall called through the megaphone, addressing the packed stadium. There were boos and shouts. Oliver Wood, looking devastated, landed and ran toward Professor McGonagall without getting off his broomstick.

I could see him shout something and wave his hands, but McGonagall continued. "All students are to make their way back to the House common rooms, where their Heads of Houses will give them further information. As quickly as you can, please!"

The students swarming around McGonagall and the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch team were grumbling about the match being cancelled; others looked worried. I was part of both categories.

Never in my six years at Hogwarts has a match been cancelled for any reason. They had always simply switched up who would be playing who. If a match got cancelled, that meant shit really needed to hit the fan.

I walked to my common room along with June and Elio, who both seemed to be bothered by the cancellation as well. June didn't even like quidditch, for the most part, she only attended because I made her, but nonetheless, she too seemed worried. I noticed Oliver's head only a few paces ahead of us, and quickly sped up my pace, catching up to him.

"Don't worry, whatever it is, I'm sure they're going to hold another match in a week or so." I smiled encouragingly.

Oliver didn't respond, and his face was contorted in ways I didn't know it could be.

Flitwick was already in the common room waiting for us, perched on a tall chair that also had a large stack of books on it. I was astonished how he even managed to get up there until I remembered that he most likely just used a simple jumping charm. He seemed very on edge and tense, and I could see he was anxiously tapping his little foot.

Other Ravenclaws huddled around me, whispering anxiously. June looked at me nervously, and I shrugged, just as nonplussed as she was.

"Ahem," Flitwick cleared his throat, and a hush fell over the common room. "As you all know, the quidditch match has been cancelled, but you have all yet to find out why. I'm not going to sugarcoat it, there had been two new attacks. Two girls got petrified in the library; Hermione Granger, and one of our own, Penelope Clearwater."

Frightened murmurs began to spread all across the common room. I looked around and sure enough, Penelope was nowhere to be found.

"This is fucked." June whispered under her breath.

"No shit," I responded.

"It is likely the school will be closed unless the culprit of these attacks will be caught." Flitwick's voice was now shaking heavily.

"I would urge anyone who thinks they might know anything about them to come forward."

We sat in silence in our dorm room. All of the girls June and I shared a room with remained quiet, casting glances towards Penelope's vacant bed. Cho Chang was crying in the corner, and she was being comforted by Marietta Edgecombe. Cho's quiet sobs were the only sounds echoing around our room.

I couldn't imagine Hogwarts closing. That would be very upsetting. Not to mention all of the fun things we had planned, such as turning the dining hall into a bunch of Snape's. We had agreed to put it off to next year, but how would we do it if next year weren't to come? My mind spun around. Sarah was muggle-born, what if something were to happen to her. She was a prefect as well as Penelope, and it was clear whatever was causing these attacks did not care whether someone was a prefect or not. Could I be petrified in my sleep? Well, I wouldn't be, I'm a half-blood, but even still. And who the fuck could the heir of Slytherin be? Whoever the sadistic piece of shit is I hoped that he would get caught as soon as possible so that quidditch would resume.

I rolled over and began re-reading Quidditch
Through the Ages.

Oh, the thrill of the chase as I soar through the air
With the Snitch up ahead and the wind in my hair
As I draw ever closer, the crowd gives a shout
But then comes a Bludger and I am knocked out.--

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