First Day of Sixth Year

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June, Sarah, and I filed into the small train compartment, anxious and excited at the prospect of the year up ahead of us. Our 6th year, the year everyone always looked back with fond memories, with parties, relationships, and excitement.

"Spent the whole summer with Oliver Wood then, did you?" June snickered, cozying herself on Sarah's shoulder, her skin visibly darker with a tan she must have garnered in Thailand.

"Unfortunately." I snickered, reaching into my bag for an apple to mindlessly chew.

"By the looks of your bashful grin, it wasn't too bad." Sarah giggled, "Say did you two-"

"No, absolutely not." I shook my head, feigning disgust.

"Liar!" June shouted excitedly, grinning ear to ear as she did so. "You're finally starting to admit your feelings!"

"June keep your voice down," I hissed, "It's not Wood."

June and Sarah's eyes widened as if I had just turned green.

"Who?" They both said at the same time, looking at me as intently as I've ever seen them.

"We're not dating, but he does owl me daily..." I stalled, revelling in their suspense.

"What's his name." June leaned towards me, preparing to catch all of my words.

"Vincent Ford." I smiled dreamily out the window, turning away from June.

"No fucking way," June gasped, "As in the Puddlemere chaser?"

I didn't answer, coyly staring off to space, unable to keep the smile off my lips.

"Oh my Godric!" Sarah's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "You're serious?"

"Don't tell anyone though." I looked over at them with the sternest face I could muster. "I don't want to get strangled by his fangirls."

"Our lips are sealed cap'n." June and Sarah said unanimously, giving me dramatic salutes.

I rolled my eyes, taking a big bite of my apple, signalling the end of the conversation.

I slowly lost focus of the chatter around me, as more people entered our compartment. I slowly gnawed on the red apple in my hand, staring mindlessly out of the train window, watching the fields outside. The train rocked slightly side to side as it rolled along the green countryside. I could see the sun beaming, covered for only a few moments at a time by the thin trees scattered around the tracks.I was still the quidditch captain of the Ravenclaw team, and a revered one at that, as we had just won the Quidditch Cup the year prior. My mind wandered back to Vincent. He was in fact what most girls considered perfection, with a face that looked to be chiselled out of marble. It would be a lie to say I haven't felt the least bit flustered to receive his attention over the summer, but whether this boy did like me or if he's a natural flirt was a mystery in my mind.It was almost involuntary, but the thought of Oliver flashed in my head. His usual smirk that pissed me off so often, etched upon his lips. Another year, and another opportunity to be a better captain than Oliver. Him and his stupid dimpled grin lived in my head. I felt myself twiddling the broomstick ring on my finger, and smiled. He might be an ass, but maybe he wasn't that bad.


The sun was beginning to set behind the snowy peaked mountains in the distance as the train pulled into the Hogwarts station. Despite snacking throughout the train ride, I felt my stomach grumble at the thought of a beautiful dining hall feast.June and Sarah were peacefully asleep in each other's arms, and it almost felt wrong to lightly tap them awake.

"Huh, what?" Drowsily mumbled June, taking a loud open-mouthed yawn.

"We're here," I said, reaching for the suitcase standing next to me.

"Already?" Groaned Sarah, tiredly rubbing her eyes.

Students slowly filed out of the train and onto the platform, where Hagrid's large figure was easily spotted guiding the anxious first years to their boats. I could see the castle looming over the lake, it's grand stature as imposing as ever.

My first step off the train was met with a gust of cold wind, sending shivers down my spine. My owl cage in one hand, and suitcase in other, I walked towards the carriages. I could see the almost reptilian looking thestrals, with their every bone clearly visible in the dim light of sunset. I was able to see thestrals ever since watching my father take his last breath at St. Mungo's, and despite their ghastly appearance In a way, I always found them to be comforting.

"What are you staring at, are you getting in or not?" June grumbled behind me, lightly shoving me into the carriage cabin.

"Right, sorry." I awkwardly chuckled, shuffling my side into the wall to make room for more passengers.

No one actually knew I could see the thestrals aside from my mother of course. It's not that I was embarrassed by this fact, of course, I just never sought out to tell anyone this information, and to be fair no one ever asked. I felt the carriage shake and rattle as it lifted into the air, flying right above the trees, so close in fact I thought it might graze them. June and Sarah were sat next to me, both of them now laughing at something only they understood. Across from us sat Elio Clive with his newest girlfriend, a girl I recognized to be a pretty fifth year Slytherin with wavy blonde hair and soft blue eyes. Next to them and directly in front of me was Roger Davies, who caught my eye and shot me a smile.

"So," He asked, clearly trying to just shift his attention from the couple snogging next to him. "How was your summer."

"Oh you know," I snickered at how uncomfortable he looked. "Pretty good, what about you?"

"Oh, uh," He gulped down casting another side glance at Elio and his girlfriend passionately making out only inches from him, "Pretty good."

"Get a room love birds." I barked out of sympathy for Roger, whose face looked like he just ate an especially nasty boogie flavoured bean.

Elio and the girl practically jumped apart, and June burst out laughing."Oh uh, sorry boss," Elio mumbled, his usually pale cheeks flushing a bright scarlet.

"So are you going to introduce us?" I crossed my arms, signalling at the blonde Slytherin next to him.

"Oh, yeah." Elio quickly regained his composure, throwing his arm around the girl's shoulder. "This is my girlfriend."

"Hi I'm Lori Campbell." She smiled sweetly, giving me a small wave.

"I'm Y/n Stone," I replied, looking her over again.

"I know, you're the captain of the Ravenclaw team." She giggled, her laugh sounding almost angelic. "Don't tell anyone I said this, but I think you putting Flint in his place was about the funniest thing I've seen last year."

"Say you're a fifth year aren't you?" I asked, grinning at the compliment.

"Sixth year actually," She laughed, shaking her head. "We just never had any classes together."

"Oh, my bad," I said, feeling my grin widen.

I could tell we would become good friends shortly.

"Oh it's no bother, I reckon we'll have at least one class together this year." She said reaching into her pocket. "Here, take a look."

She expelled a small piece of paper on which her schedule was written.

"Oh, we have charms and DADA together," I said, glancing it over.

"Lovely," she exclaimed, taking her schedule back. "Oh look we're landing."

And with those words, I felt the carriage hit the gravel road.

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