Slytherin and Our Narrow Escape

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It was the early morning of the match against Slytherin. I heard about how hard Marcus Flint had been bragging about their upcoming win. This was making me angry enough as is.

What made things exponentially worse, however, was the paper published the day before with my picture at the forefront.

"Y/n Stone, Seductress finds new victim?

Written by: Rita Skeeter
It is well known amongst' Stone's peers that she has a certain sweet tooth for quidditch players. She was many times seen going out with the quidditch captains at her school and tossing them aside as soon as a better captain came along, and her most recent venture had been quite a catch compared to the rest! Vincent Ford, a pro quidditch player in Puddlemere United was known to have dated Y/n Stone for the past year. You read that right, dated! Stone had broken off their relationship seemingly out of nowhere right before Christmas. Mr.Ford tried to let her off easy by saying "It was better for the both of us if that's how she really felt," but we know simple girls like her never leave someone with that high of status unless they can't help it. That raises a good question, who is Y/n's next target. Many speculations are going on, and some even predict it to be the Head of the Department for Broom Sports! Either way, we'll just have to wait and see, and watch closely."

When June woke me up with this great piece of media my jaw dropped. What have I possibly done to provoke such scrutiny from Rita Skeeter? And why the hell were people believing her.

"Is it true?" Oliver prodded me during our charms class right before the end of it. He pointed at the article.

"Which part?" I sighed.

"You broke up right before Christmas," Oliver said, "I can tell the rest of it is bullshit."

"Wow, good job, want a cookie?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"So is it?"

"Yeah." I slipped my parchment into my binder.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Oliver asked, his voice almost sounding like it was excited and hurt at the same time.

"Because," I turned away and closed my bag.

I knew I liked Oliver, but something about his smugness overwhelmed me with a burning rage.

"This is why you don't date pr-" Oliver started to puff out his chest.

"And who are you to tell me who I do and don't date?" I asked, my voice seeping with venom, "It's none of your business."

"Cmon Stone, don't be like that," Oliver said in a condescending tone, or perhaps it was a tone of being taken aback...

Either way in my blind aggression I could not see the difference.

"This is why I didn't tell you, because I knew you were going to be a condescending pig about it, Wood." I hissed.


The bell rang and I quickly leaped out of my seat and practically ran out of the class.


It was because of this occurrence I was even more upset the morning of the game when I saw Oliver sitting in the library when I got there. Of course, deep down I knew I wanted him there, but at that moment it took all of my strength to plot in front of him.

"Before you say anything," Oliver waved his hands in front of him as to motion for him to speak. "I brought coffee and freshly baked cinnamon rolls."

He slid a mug and a paper bag, smiling bashfully. I stared at him blankly and my heart fluttered. More than anything I wanted to forgive him, but my pride needed to hear that apology.

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