Intern Assistant

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Morning mist gently glided along the cobbled streets outside of the stadium. It was my second and final summer interning for an assistant position for them. Next summer, I hoped, I would be playing chaser in the ranks of the Hollyhead Harpies. It was weird apparating alone, not leaning on my mom's hand, but a sense of excitement was gained from it as well. I was now an adult. The hot sun scorched my skin, and I thanked past me for putting on a light button-up tee and some shorts. Katya had not yet arrived, and I was early.

Suddenly there was a loud crack next to where I stood, and I whipped around only to come face to face with Oliver.

"Aye Stone, fancy seeing you here." He said casually as his legs planted firmly on the pavement.

He somehow seemed even taller than before, and his usually pale complexion was very toned. By the looks of it, he had been spending a lot of time outside over the past couple of weeks.

"Wish I could say the same for you." I grinned, running a hand through my hair. "But alas."

"Tsk tsk," Oliver tutted, "what have I done to earn such callousness from you?"

"Well being here for one." I shrugged, my smile getting wider.

"I'm so sorry for getting this prestigious quidditch scholarship, I'm so sorry for being that good at quidditch." He shook his head with mock disappointment. "It will never happen again.

"You got it out of sheer luck Woody, keep that in your tough head," I said, gently knocking on his head.

Though I touched his hair for only a split second, it made my heart flutter. It was surprisingly soft, even considering how short it was. I quickly shook off the oncoming blush. Was I really this boy crazy that having contact with one's hair for a second makes my knees go weak?

"It won't be sheer luck when Gryffindor wins the house cup next year." He crossed his arms defiantly.

"What gives?" I cocked an eyebrow, challenging him for an answer.

"I'm spending all of my free time developing a new quidditch strategy, that's what." He chuckled. "Gryffindor will be unbeatable next year."

"Keep dreaming Wood." I snickered. "The chances of you winning the cup are about as high as Flitwick."

"Then yours are the height of my shoe." Oliver pointed at his worn-out combat boots.

"Bull shi-" I started, but a crack rang out through the air.

Katya landed gracefully, making something as awkward as apparition look like a top model photoshoot. Her once long platinum hair was now cut in a short bob with messy bangs. A loose-fitting red tee was expertly tucked into a pair of white trousers, and overall she had the off-duty model look going for her.

"Y/n!" She exclaimed, running up to me and pulling me into a light hug, "Oh how good to see you!"

"Hello, Katya!" I giggled, happily hugging her back. "How are you!

"Oh I've been vell," she smirked, "Benjy proposed to me."

"Really?" I squealed, and she pulled out her hand that had a big ring on it with an expensive-looking emerald glistening in the morning sun.

"Congratulations soon to be Mrs. Williams!" I hugged her again.

"Oh no no, I'm keeping Volkova," she grinned, "Much more macho."

"I'm here too." Oliver raised his hand.

"Oh, you're here too." Katya looked over him with the coldest look imaginable, and even Oliver shrank back slightly before she starting to laugh hysterically. "I'm just kidding! You should've seen the look on your face!"

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