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October arrived, spreading a damp chill all around Hogwarts, causing a sudden spate of colds amongst its occupants. Madam Pomfrey gave June some Pepperup for her small cough, and I saw her ears pouring out smoke for a few hours after. That paired with her choice of bright red hair dye gave the illusion of her hair burning.

Raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end; the lake rose, the flower beds turned into muddy streams, and Hagrid's pumpkins swelled to the size of garden sheds. This however did not curb my enthusiasm for daily training sessions, as I saw it Oliver didn't stop his either.

Vincent continued to Owl me almost daily, and his letters were always nice to read. To some degree, I even started to look forward to them.

I awoke later than usual one Wednesday after an especially gnarly practice the night before, and much to my dismay missed breakfast. I didn't get much time to dwell on my misfortune, as I quickly realized that class would start in only ten minutes. Making a quick note to jinx June for not waking me up, I rushed to get ready.I made it to the dungeons for potions right as class was set to start, and all the seats were already occupied.

"Miss Stone," Snape drawled sarcastically, "How lovely to be graced by your presence."

"Lovely to be here." I grimaced back at him, receiving a few quiet snickers from the class.

"Five points from Ravenclaw." Snape scowled. "Go sit next to Wood."

I begrudgingly walked over to where Oliver sat and plopped my things next to him. His know it all scowl made my morning that much worse.

"Well, now that we're all here, I feel it is appropriate to start today's lesson." Snape's droning voice could've probably put me back to sleep. "This is part of the curriculum I am forced to teach to you all, unfortunately. So who here knows anything about amortentia."June raised her hand and was quickly called on.

"Yes, Miss Lee.""Amortentia is the subject of many poems. It's the most powerful love potion in the world!" Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Very well, five points to Ravenclaw." Snape frowned, "However, with your grades, I suggest sticking to reading potions textbooks rather than love poetry."June scowled at his back as Snape continued the lesson.

"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion created to date and is illegal to possess without a permit. There are weaker love potions available in joke shops, but their effects are not even close to how terrible the effects of Amortentia are. To call its effect love is foolish. No, rather than love, this potion causes a feeling of infatuation and obsession towards the person giving the potion."

Snape bent down and pulled out a large glass phial containing a liquid with a peculiar mother of pearl sheen to it. It's smoke billowed out in a beautiful rosy spiral, almost like in a children's storybook.

"Say Stone, did you sneak Vincent some of that stuff?" Oliver whispered in my ear with a snicker.

Before I could come up with a snarky retort, Snape called him out."Having a fun time are we Mr. Wood?" He smirked at him. "Perhaps you would like to smell the potion and tell the class what you detect."

Oliver's grin dropped, and he hesitantly slipped out of his seat. I watched him walk to where Snape was standing. He bent down to the potion and took a few long sniffs.

"So?" Snape asked impatiently.

"Well, I smell the quidditch pitch, my broom, tea, and...." He took another whiff. "Cinnamon."

"You may return to your seat, Mr. Wood," Snape smirked.

"Mr. Weasley, would you like to smell as well?"Percy too awkwardly shuffled to the front of the class.

"I thought you didn't like cinnamon," I whispered to Oliver as he sat down."I don't." He said, shooting me a confused glance.

"I smell," Percy stalled for a second, "Books, coffee, and my coconut shampoo."

"You may be seated." Snape drawled.

"Now, who would like to take a guess what these students were smelling?"I raised my hand, and Snape called me almost immediately.

"Yes, Stone?"

"One of the most unique features of an Amortentia is the smell. It reminds each person that smells it of the things that they find most attractive." I said confidently, my eyes still trained on the shimmering potion in the front of the class.

"Quite right, five points to Ravenclaw." Snape strolled towards the phial, picking it up with his grimy looking hands. "Although you missed a small detail. Even if the person doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves, they would still smell it in the Amortentia."

I looked back at Oliver who looked unnerved by something."Clearly you like cinnamon," I chuckled softly, "But why are you telling people you don't?"

Oliver opened his mouth, but before he could say anything Snape stopped him."Again with the interruptions Mr. Wood. Another Five points from Gryffindor." He growled, his black eyes gleaming with delight.

"I didn't even-" Oliver started to protest.

"Five more points from Gryffindor for talking back." Snape grinned evilly, making me shudder.

"Actually Professor, I was the one talking this time," I said meekly, catching a grateful look from Oliver.

"Alright, Oliver take your points back, 5 points from Ravenclaw." Snape scowled again, stalking up to the board.

"Now, work with your table partner to write out the correct way of brewing the potion, and explain how every ingredient contributes to it. by the end of class. Further instructions are on page forty-three of your textbooks." He spoke, writing his words down on the large blackboard in front of him. "Your time starts now."

I flipped to the page indicated by Snape and started to skim through the ingredients.

"Thanks." I heard Oliver say next to me quietly.

"Oh hm?" I looked up at him.

His lips were slightly upturned in a sweet smile.

"Thank you." He said again, his smile widening. "I didn't think it was in you to be nice."

"It's not, you're giving up the field for my team's practice today," I smirked, turning back to the textbook.

I couldn't help but look at the small silver broomstick on my finger and let out a soft giggle.


Miss Norris' petrification happened shortly after, and both myself and June thought it was a cruel prank pulled by some Slytherins, while Sarah worried more about her safety due to her muggle-born status.

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