Nose in The Books

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Not going to quidditch practices felt quite weird. Practices were replaced by hours spent in the library trying to memorize textbooks front to back. As June approached, the days became cloudless and sultry, and all anybody felt like doing was strolling onto the grounds and flopping down on the grass with several pints of iced pumpkin juice, perhaps playing a casual game of Gobstones or watching the giant squid propel itself dreamily across the surface of the lake.

But we couldn't.

Exams were nearly upon us, and instead of lazing around outside, students were forced to remain inside the castle, trying to bully their brains into concentrating while enticing wafts of summer air drifted in through the windows.

Oliver was still elated about his cup, and despite his best efforts not to rub it in too much he still did. Not that it mattered to me. Seeing his face light up when talking about his victory made it worth it.

I looked over my exam schedule and sighed.



Transfigurations N.E.W.T -- 9 o' clock


Astronomy N.E.W.T -- 1 o' clock

Potions N.E.W.T -- 4 o' clock

Astronomy N.E.W.T -- 9 o' clock

"Holy shit, four in a day?" June's eyes widened so much they looked to be the size of dinner plates, "I only have two!"

"Zat eez because you onlee qualify for two," Liane remarked not taking her eyes off her transfigurations book.

"Ouch," June clutched her heart and fell back in her chair.

"She's not wrong," Sarah booped June on the nose playfully, "Everyone else is taking four N.E.W.T's."

"Oh well," June shrugged, "Just means I'll have to only fail two exams instead of four."

"Can't argue with that logic," Lori snorted.

"You should really take your studies more seriously." Sarah crossed her arms,  "What if writing doesn't work out for you?"

"What are you planning to be when you're out of Hogwarts?" June asked Sarah nonchalantly.

"A healer."

"So then you would have enough for the both of us." June closed her eyes and put her feet on the small coffee table in the Ravenclaw common room.

"Alright guys, so what's the plan for Monday?" Lori whispered.

"We've got the potions all ready," I said, "How would we administer it?"

"One drop would have someone turn into Snape for only one minute or so." Sarah said, "Pumpkin juice would dilute the polyjuice and render it ineffective. I say we put a drop on the spoons."

"Zat eez a good plan," Liane agreed, "Let's ingest it ourselves as well."

"That's brilliant," June exclaimed and went back to whispering after Liane shot her a dirty look, "That way they wouldn't suspect us."

"We better not get caught," Sarah said sternly.

"Ah rest easy sweetheart," yawned June, "If anything happens I'll take all the blame."

"But," Sarah began to protest.

"I'm not going to pass Hogwarts anyway, what is it to me if I get expelled or not."

June looked bored with the conversation already, and Sarah shot her a stern look.

"June this isn't something to joke about." She pursed her lips.

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