CHAPTER 4 - My Tree

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"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you can learn to let go. Things go wrong so you can appreciate them when they're right. You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together."
-Marilyn Monroe

Once Castiel had collected himself and had made his way out of the pool, Dean by his side, he debated whether or not to go back to school. He needed an education, to some extent, but he found it unnecessary and frightening to walk back into that place.

This would be the first time he'd had to make the decision of leaving after a confrontation. He'd always chosen to go back, to not let people think that they'd won. He never let them win. And the price he paid for that was to have to live through the same thing at home, and then the next day at school.

But today was different. He could have been killed today. His admitting he couldn't swim wasn't just a fatal plea to keep from further humiliation. He honest-to-God could not swim. He would have died right then and there in his school's swimming pool if it hadn't been for Dean.

What a pathetic way to go.

They sat on a bench on the side of the building that Castiel had pointed out, feeling too overwhelmed to walk any further.

Neither boy said anything for several minutes.

"Why did you save me?" Castiel asked, breaking the silence and looking over at Dean.

Dean looked back at Castiel like he should know the answer. But an answer wasn't what he got. All he got was another question. "What do you mean 'why did I save you'? Why wouldn't I?"

Cas replied, "Because no one here in their right mind would even condescend to help me. That's just the way it is." Castiel wasn't looking at Dean anymore because he didn't want him to see the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Well, where I'm from," Dean started, "that way is ass-backwards cruel."

Cas chuckled. "There must not be a lot of gay kids where you're from. Which is...?"

"Kansas. I'm from Kansas. And, yeah, there's not a ton. But there's my best friend, Charlie. Gotta love 'er," Dean said, a smile painting his face. "And there's me. Well, I swing for both teams...but still."

Castiel snuck a quick glance over at Dean before he said, "Well, you better watch your back. If any of those guys find out, you're as good as dead."

Dean directed all thoughts to the boy he had so badly hurt, then saved from death. How bad is it to be alive for this kid? he thought. Then he spoke. "How long has this been going on, Cas?"

When Cas didn't answer, Dean stood up and grabbed Castiel's hand, dragging him up with him. By now, Castiel had started shivering, and the wet clothes weren't helping. Dean instinctively took his leather jacket off and wrapped it around Castiel.

"Thanks," he said. The jacket was wet, but the gesture was enough to turn Castiel's cheeks rosy, a nice compliment for the tips of his nose and ears that were feeling the crisp spring air.

Dean grinned. "It's no trouble. Now come on, let's get outta here before someone catches us."

And that settled the argument Cas was having with himself. He wasn't going back to school today, but he was okay with it.


A few moments later, they were in Dean's car, driving away from the school. Castiel hadn't told Dean where he lived, and Dean didn't ask. So Castiel could only assume they were going somewhere else.

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