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Yachi: Y/n!"

The door opened and you walked in.

Y/n: Yachi!"

Yachi: Okay, but Y/n you look so cute one day your gonna have to help me out."

Y/n: Thanks Yachi, any day I'll help, I brought the snacks you asked for."

Yachi: Oh my gosh thanks okay let's go to my room."

You walked into her room and sat down taking your stuff, out.

Yachi: Y/n you did not have to get all this you could have just bought chips anyways thanks."

Y/n: Uhh, you're welcome."

Yachi started helping you study.

Y/n: You have pretty ass handwriting."

Yachi laughs

Yachi: Thanks?"

3 hour later

Y/n: What's this again?"

You say frustrated pointing at question 17.

Like who the fuck made math and said let's add letters, but don't get me started with fractions and long division.

Yachi: 38."

Y/n: 38 LIKE JUST 38 HOW TF!"

Yachi explained it slowly to you.

Y/n: Ohhh, that makes sense but still how tf."

You and Yachi laughs

Yachi: So do you have a crush."

Huh, why would she ask that random question?

Y/n: No, but all the guys are good looking tho, you?"

Yachi: Hinata."

Y/n: You mean the short cute boy with the orange hair who finds friends in the bathroom he's a little weird."

You laugh.

Yachi: Yes, him!"

Yachi blushes and finds her face in her lap.

Y/n: AWW cute, if I think about y'all would look so great together tho!"

You look at her still finding.

Y/n: So when are you gonna ask him out?"

Yachi: Ask him out!? Maybe never!"

Y/n: Oh come on!"

You sighed

Y/n: Anyways, bruh I meet this random guy on the bus he was so cute he didn't have eyebrows kinda weird but he was so cool."

Yachi: Really what did y'all talk about?"

Y/n: He didn't really talk, all he said was Hmm."

You made his expressions.

Yachi: Uhh, did you get his name."

Y/n: Yup, Aone."

Yachi: Cool."

Y/n: He asked for my number before I left."

Yachi: Really!"

Y/n: Yes reallyyyy and he plays volleyball."

Yachi: Oh, really that's amazing."

Y/n: I know, well gotta go before I miss the bus."

Yachi: well it was fun you should come often."

Y/n: Yeah, maybe."

You put all your stuff in your bag.

Walking to the door

Yachi: byeee!"

Y/n: Peace."

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