16. Exhale

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❄️ A I D E N ❄️

My breath hitched when Ezra turned away from Vance, directly towards me, his long lashes fluttered as he caught my eye.

"I love you too, Aiden," he wrapped his arms around me. My own arms swung around him and my fists gripped the back of his shirt, my face smushed in between his hard pecks. I breathed in his warm, spicy scent.

"So, you'll stay?", I mumbled as my lips moved over his soft cotton shirt.

I felt his head move, I couldn't tell if it was a nod or a shake.

"Tell me!" My voice rushed out, panic rising.

He chuckled and lowered his head, "Yes, baby. I can't leave you now that I can actually have you," his hot breath hitting my ear.

His words soothed me, as if he wrapped a warm blanket around my cold body. I could finally breathe. I held on to him for as long and as tight as my arms could hold out.

"Baby, it's OK, I'm not going anywhere," he whispered.

I let out a long exhale and pulled away while I asked, "Vance, which room will he be in?" I glancing over my shoulder. Vance was the only one left standing there. All the others were gone.

"It's late and we don't have a room upstairs ready. I'd rather not put him in the guest room. Would you mind if Ezra stayed with you tonight?" Vance said cordially, but I could see the faint sly smile tugging the corner of his lips, one brow raised.

God, I love him.

"I wouldn't mind," Ezra quickly responded with a small shrug of his shoulder.

I nodded enthusiastically, "Great! I'll show you around really quick!" I grabbed his hand pulling him with me while pointing out all the different rooms as we passed by.

"Wow, this place is pretty amazing, huh?" He looked around in awe.

"You have no idea," I giggled.

We ran into Jace, Wren and Milo who were watching a show and lounging together on one of the fluffy couches in the movie room.

"Hey, I'm sorry about before," Ezra called out, walking over to them, "I didn't catch your names though."

"That's OK, believe me, we understand," Milo chirped out. "I'm Milo and this is Jace," he rubbed Jace's back as Jace leaned forward and shook Ezra's hand.

"It's all good," Jace mumbled, a small smile on his chiseled face.

"I'm Wren," Wren smiled as he jumped up and gave Ezra a hug, arms squeezed his waist.

Ezra smiled warmly, albeit a bit surprised, and rubbed his back, "Nice to meet you," his deep voice rumbled out through Wren's tightened biceps.

"We're just waiting for everyone, and then we're thinking about watching a movie, do you guy's wanna join?", Milo asked while Jace reached out and tugged Wren away from Ezra and pulled him onto the couch next to him.

Ezra looked at me as he brought his hand to my chin and rubbed his thumb lightly over my jaw, "Thanks, but not tonight. We have some catching up to do," he stared intently into my eyes.

My prick twitched longingly when the pad of his thumb swiped slowly over my bottom lip.

I heard Milo's muffled giggle, my eyes tore away from Ezra's to see Jace's hand clamped over Milo's mouth, "Sorry for the mood killer," he nudged Milo, while laughing along with Wren.

I started to laugh with them, Ezra soon joined in.

"No worries," I smiled at them.

"You know, why don't you guys sleep in Vance's room tonight?" Wren questioned, one brow raised.

""Uhh..", my hand found the back of my neck as I scratched idly, stalling for time.

"Why would we sleep in Vance's room?" Ezra's brows furrowed together, confusion drawn on his handsome face.

"Well...", I started to mumble out but his brows shot up and his mouth parted open in a 'O' shape.

"You don't have to," Jace piped up, Wren was just suggesting..." he trailed off looking down.

"No, it's fine," Ezra breathed out, a slight strain in his voice. "Is that what you guys normally do?", he asked intrigued, while his eyes moved between us.

I nodded my head, "Yeah," I mumbled, "but don't feel pressured your first night!" My voice rose an octave in embarrassment.

Ezra looked at me for a few beats, searching my face, "I think I want to, actually," he pulled me in tight, "I want to be with you, and that means being with everyone, right?", he questioned.

"Yeah," I nodded my head, a smile forming brightly on my face. I hugged his torso and put my head against his hard chest.

"Yes!!" Milo fist pumped the air.

"Whats going on?" Fox asked while he and the rest of the guys filed into the room. All eyes on us.

"Ezra's gonna spend the night with us tonight, Milo squealed in delight while squeezing Jace's bicep and shaking him, "in Vance's room," he sang out.

Jace grabbed onto his small waist and pulled him onto his lap, "Calm down, you don't want to scare him away," he chuckled out.

Fox swiftly walked over to me and brought me into a bear hug, "You OK?", he whispered lowly in my ear.

I nodded my head, "More than just Ok," my voice came out in a whimper.

I could feel his body shake as he giggled, "Come on, let's show him what he's been missing out on all these months," Fox whispered so only I could here, then pulled away and grabbed both mine and Ezra's hands.

"No movie tonight boys, we've got much better entertainment instead!", he bellowed out while pulling us through the door.

I snuck a peek at Ezra, who was already looking at me while grinning ear-to-ear.

Oh yes! My smile was so wide it hurt. Much better entertainment indeed!

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