Incorrect Quotes #6

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Nine: I don't understand people who get bored by dinosaurs. They were giant bird lizard thingies that got murdered by space!

Iantis: That's a horrible present idea.
Sands: Trust me, he'll love it!
Nine, attempting to cuddle all 15 roombas: I LOVE MY CHILDREN, SANDS!

*As Detectives*
Atlas: Oh, the victim must've drowned—
Nine: Looks like he died trying to drink this entire swimming pool.

Iantis: My friends have two very different reactions to shopping.
Iantis: Nine eagerly put on his coat so he could go to the store.
Iantis: Sands pretended to be dead.

Fyra: I've been so proud of Deus lately.
Viis: He killed three people "by accident" yesterday!
Fyra: See how much better he's getting?

Iantis: Time for Plan Sparkles!
Atlas: ... Plan Sparkles?
Sands: We ran out of letters a long time ago.

Deus: All evidence suggests I'm immortal.
Viis: What evidence?
Deus: Haven't died yet.

Viis: What is wrong with you!?
Deus: Loaded question. Elaborate.

Fyra, after Deus breaks her fall in a fight: My hero!
Deus, breathless and in pain: Bitch, my back...

Fyra: So what time does the judgement express get here?
Deus: Viis gets back to the hospital at 3:00.

Viis: Are you getting enough sleep?
Atlas: Sometimes when I sneeze, my eyes close.

Viis: I love you with all of my ego.
Fyra: ... what?
Viis: I'd say "all of my heart," but my ego is much bigger.

Deus: All you do is bitch!
Fyra, seeing him after his fight with Atlas and trying to get him to the hospital: I happen to bitch the perfect amount for someone in my situation.

Deus: I am my own person.
Deus: I listen to no one.
Deus: I make the rules.
Deus: I am the supreme Original.
Deus: Atlas doesn't stand a chance.
Deus: I am the most powerful person in the world.
Fyra: Deus, could you come here for a sec?
Deus: Fine. Whatever, bitch.

Fyra, shining a flashlight under the bed: Deus, are you ready for your therapist appointment with Viis?
Deus: *demonic screeching*
Fyra: Understandable, have a nice day.

A/N: I don't include Fyra's stuttering because I like to think of her as a normal person (and totally not because I'm too lazy to actually type it out).

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