Incorrect Quotes #10

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Iantis: When you've worked with these guys as long as I have, you develop thick skin.
Sands: Red's not your color.

Deus: I'm going to change the world.
Fyra: For the better, right?
Fyra, narrowing her eyes: For the better, right?

Iantis: So, what's a flaw of yours?
Nine: I'm uncooperative.
Iantis: Give me an example.
Nine: No.

Deus: What rhymes with orange?
Viis: No, it doesn't.
Deus: ... What?
Viis: The word 'what' does not rhyme with the word 'orange'.
Deus: What are you saying?
Viis: You said "What rhymes with orange?", they don't rhyme.
Deus: This is why no one likes you, Viis.

Viis: Can I get you anything to drink, Deus?
Deus: The tears of my enemies wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed.
Viis: I have wine.
Deus: Ooh, wine sounds lovely.

Fyra: We need to get through this locked door. Viis, give me your credit card.
Viis: Here.
Fyra, pocketing it: Thanks. Deus, kick the door down.

Viis, addressing his squadron: And if you have any suggestions, feel free to put them in the suggestion box!
Rosco: Uh, Doc, that's just a trash can.
Viis: It sure is!

Iantis: You often use humor to deflect trauma.
Nine: Thanks!
Iantis: I didn't say that that was a good thing.
Nine: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.

Past Iantis: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere.
Past Lato, concerned: Iantis, those are wanted posters.

Sands: Tell them off, assert your dominance, Nine!
Nine: That's my ice cream!
Sands: Now let 'em have it!
Nine: You can have it!

Hinalea: I say 'oh man' when I'm disappointed 'cause men are disappointing.
Hinalea: Except for Lato, he's the hottest person in here— literally.

Otto: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand just to seem smart.
Viis: I photosynthesize with this.

Sands: Nine? What are you doing on the couch at this hour?
Nine, staring at the ceiling: I thought the guy at CVS was going to ask me if I wanted to join the rewards program, but he said "Enjoy your night," so I said "Not today, thanks," and left.

Iantis: I was afraid you guys would stop thinking I was cool...
Hinalea: Iantis, we have never once thought you were cool.
Hinalea: It's fine.

Deus: You have eye bags.
Viis: They're Gucci.

Sands: For the love of God, FUCKING turn down that music. I have a hangover.
Nine, blasting the mii theme at full volume: That sounds like a you problem, not a mii problem!

Lato: *risks his life for Iantis and gets himself hurt*
Hinalea: After I lovingly nurse you back to health, I'm going to kill you and Iantis.

Nine: Hey Iantis?
Iantis: Yeah, what's up?
Nine: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it's on?
Iantis: Where's Sands?

Iantis, about Nine: He said he was attacked by ninja cats...
Sands: Attacked by ninja cats?
Hinalea: Ninja cats, huh?
Hinalea: He must be high.
Hinalea: He probably shouldn't have taken the drugs Iantis offered him.
Iantis: But I didn't even—
Sands: *snickers*

Atlas: Yeah I seem like a bad person for leaving without you knowing, but I'll take the blame for a murder I didn't even commit if it was for you.
Nine: ... W-what?
Atlas: ... What?
Otto, writing numbers on a scroll in the background: He said he'd take the blame for a murder he didn't even commit if it was for you.

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