chapter 15

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Lorenzo left after giving me and Alexa a kiss on out temple. Me and Alexa was at our locker. Our lockers were at different side in the locker area. Which is not a bad thing but I wanted her beside me.

I went through my schedule and I had English first. I placed the books and things which were not required in the locker and then I went towards my twin. She was standing with two people and it look like she already made them friends .

She was with two people one of them was a boy . I can't see the face of the boy but he had a perfect body for 13 years old and his hairs were brown in color . The girl had blonde shoulder length hair and I could see her face perfectly . She had a beautiful smile and had brown eyes which was sparkling. She wore a cute pink and white dress and had a little makeup on.

I went towards my twin and stand beside her and now I can see that boy clearly he had blue eyes and he was wearing a black skinny jeans with blue T-shirt with a leather jacket and he had his boots on.

"Guys meet her, she's my twin" alexa said and I smiled at them and they smiled back at me. "hello I'm Sophia" the girl said and I smiled at her "hey I'm Jade" the boy said "I'm Alesa, it's nice to meet you" I said and smiled.

I turned around to my sister and asked her that schedule. Lucky we had same two classes in start. English and chemistry. We found our way to the First Class with the help of my twin's new friend.

We reached the class and Alexa walked in with her head high and I was on the other side nervous and my head was down as we walked in the class all the eyes in the class turned towards us.

"Are you new students?" the teacher asked. She was in her 40s I guess. She wore a blue dress and her hair was in high bun she wored glasses and her skin was slight tane over all she looked good.

"Yes, we are" alexa replied and smiled at me "I'm Alexa Romano and she is my twin Alesa Romano" and smirked and all the students and teachers there were shocked

"Romano? As if Noah Romano's sisters?" the teacher asked

"Yes" alexa smirked and teacher told us to sit wherever we find a seat. Alexa sat beside a girl who was wearing a badass outfit just as her and her face was caked with makeup and I sat with a sweet looking girl.

"hello I'm Kelly" she said and smiled at me and I gladly smiled back her "and you probably know that I'm alesa" I replied

"yeah yeah everyone knows who you are" she replied and I chuckled.

I was confused because how did the teacher knew that we were Noah's sister? Why was everyone scared of him? The principal looked scared of Lorenzo and the teacher and the students looked shocked when ALEXA said that Noah is our brother. I need to know but curiosity kills the cat.

It was last period of the school and I and Alexa was not in the same class. We decided to meet at the entrance of the school. I made friends today. Kelly and Sophia was already friends so I sat with Kelly, Sophia and jade with lunch.

As alexa sat with the popular students of the school and there was also the girl who was sitting beside alexa in English period. Well my sister got popular at her first day of school and made a lot of friends. I'm happy for her.

The bell already rang and I'm standing here at the entrance of the school waiting for my twin to come and then we can head outside so we can go home.

We were gonna ride home with Noah as he is in the same school but he had a different wing. We had a same time for lunch but I didn't saw him today in the cafeteria.

Soon Alexa came with her popular friends and she bid them goodbye. We won't went towards the parking area and waited for Noah to come and he came after 5 mins of waiting.

"sorry girls, I'm late" he said and I said it was fine. Alexa sat in the passengers seat and I sat in the back. Alexa was telling about how good her day was and how she made so many friends.

"how was your day alesa?" he then asked me "it was good, I made friends" I replied

"you did what? You made friends?" he said almost surprised that I made friends. Well I'm suprised to. The car ride was filled with laughter and teasing between Noah and Alexa and I was quietly listening to them.

We reached home and I went inside following Noah and Alexa. They both went their Separate ways to their room and I went into the living room and there I saw Lorenzo and Dylan.

"welcome back home" Dylan said and kissed my temple "how was school alesa?" Lorenzo asked.

I sat down at the table and drank a glass of water before replying him "it was good, I made  friends" I said
"you did what?" Dylan asked in disbelief. And lorenzo was shocked to but he quickly covered it up .

"it's good you made friends" Lorenzo said she I smiled "so what are their names?" Dylan asked " Uhm Sophia, Kelly and jade" I replied

"that's good you made friends but the boy jade should remain only a friend and nothing else" lorenzo said and I said yes of course.

After my quick chat with them I went to my room and had a good shower and changed into something comfortable.

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