19 | ♛ | Check And Mate

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check and mate

N I N E T E E N check and mate

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"THIS MAY BE A FOREIGN concept to you two but I need you boys to behave." I pointedly look from the blond to the raven-haired troublemaker.

Appalled, Art makes a show of placing a hand over his heart "You wound me, truly." the feelings are mimicked by Ryver who follows with "I get why you're concerned about him, but me? I didn't expect this from you, Ard."

Slinging on my bag, I ignore their mocking pouts and point a finger at them "If you want anything to eat ask Mrs Carson before she leaves, give Adrian his meds as soon as he wakes up and tell him I'll be back as soon as I can. Clear?"

"Crystal." They say in unison, standing there shoulder to shoulder they look like day and night personified.

Ryv nods, then stage-whispers to Art "Do you think she knows that we can order food from our phones?" my hand goes to my hip at Art's display of consideration. These two will never let an opportunity at mockery pass. 

"Hmm, you'd think she would." He fishes out his phone, presenting it to me in a grand manner "this rectangular piece of technology is known as a-"

I sigh, cutting off his speech, thankfully he stops speaking to me as though I'm five and pockets his phone with a grin "Nothing will be out of place, misplaced or broken, that includes personnel and objects. We'll behave. Now get out."

"I'm trusting you two." I yell goodbye, watching them wave as the glass door of the elevator close.

The second I'd woken up today-tangled in Adrian's arms and legs-I had checked his fever which, to my utter relief, had broken.

I had proceeded to call Chase to inform him about my absence today but he had insisted that I don't cancel all the meetings and while he was persistent, I was determined too. That was until Cartier called.

So we'd set up lunch, where I'm currently driving to.

I didn't want to leave Adrian alone and with Cel at a fitting, Blair wrapping up her last wedding before Christmas leave, Elle and Casp in Buffalo meeting Elle's twin brother-Ehan-who was visiting, only Art and Ryver were available.

While I knew the boys in our group had a way of attracting trouble, I did trust them wholeheartedly to look over Adrian. 

The drive feels more like a blur, mainly due to the carousel of topics rotating in my mind. Last night's events headlining everything and the hardest to dismiss. I had not planned on telling Adrian all that I had yet I couldn't find a single ounce of regret in me.

I was long past regretting and fretting over my actions but last night...It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, I'd practically stripped my feelings naked and admitted things out loud I had not let myself even think too long about.

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