24 | ♛ | Diamond Studded Promises

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T W E N T Y   F O U R
diamond studded promises

T W E N T Y   F O U Rdiamond studded promises

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SWALLOWING DOWN TWO PILLS of Advil, I chug a glass of water. Then another. And another.

The liquid felt like rain to a barren desert on my sandpaper like throat.

Just seconds ago I was entertaining the idea of swallowing these pills with some more whiskey. That is, until I'd realised that I'd already emptied two decanters.

At this rate had I kept going, my liver would probably have stopped working by Monday.

Fuck. Me.

How long had it been since I'd last washed my face? Three days? No, definitely four, if the stubble now covering the lower half of my face was any indication.

For the past four days of isolation, only two conversations had been playing on repeat in my mind like a broken fucking tape recorder they began and ended at the same points. Again and again.

"Did you not hear what Arden said? He drinks, Elham and he sure as hell dosen't know the meaning of love much less loyalty." I yell at her, livid that she's still turning a blind eye to everything that asshole has done.

She scoffs, crossing her arms "And you do?" her gaze is heavy with accusation.

Grinding my molars, I try once again "You will be miserable. He only wants you for the money, for the damned title" stepping closer to her, I resist the urge of taking her face in my hands.

"And that is what my father will give him, Castle. What I will give him." those eyes-gold streaked irises that never fail to haunt my dreams-glisten with unshed tears. I hate it. Absolutely hate the sight of agony in them.

"Then tell your father you don't want this. That this is your life he's playing with i-"

"I cannot do that." she yells back

"Why not? Would you like being stuck in a marriage with a stranger? One who doesn't give a single fuck about you? Does not respect you or give you the love you deserve?"

Tears roll down her cheeks, her arms coming up to shove me but I barely move at the push "Why does it matter to you? Why are you so vexed about me marrying someone else? About n-"

"Because I love you! Because I fucking love you Elham. I have for the longest time and I will until I die." I let it out. Every single thought and unsaid word that had been tormenting me for years, their burden equivalent to centuries worth.

Silence. The room once echoing with our screams is now absolutely quiet. Or is the cacophony of my beating heart and panting breaths not letting me hear anything else?

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