12 | ♛ | Angel

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T W E L V Eangel

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I SIGH, LOOKING UP at the star speckled onyx sky.

Living in the heart of a city, I had grown used to the constant bright glow of lights, their shine always filtering in through the gaps in curtains.

Here, dusk is nothing like it is in the city that never sleeps. This is a special kind of blackness, the kind that wants only to hold the stars and help them shine all the brighter.

I've missed this.

The tranquil stillness-lack of noise or movement.

I've always been enamoured with New York, even despite all its flaws but every now and then my entire being just wants everything to pause for a second so I can catch my breath and relax.

It reminds me of how much my had mother thrived in the midst of nature, the very soil a part of her, the fields of endless flowers an extension of herself.

I try to imagine her relaxed form and content smile, try to sense and see things the way she would have.

Breathing in the briny aroma, I clench my toes, feeling the softness of the sand, still damp from the retreating tide, it's colour the most gentle hue of gold, not failing to remind me of a certain someone.

Giving this sight and atmosphere up for the humid and uncomfortable one of a bar was the last thing I wanted to willingly do, but I'd already agreed- if only for the boys.

I sit up, eyes watching the cool water roll up to the shore, fizzing and dampening the sand again and again in a rhythmic pattern. The liquid almost touching my outstretched feet before failing and retreating.

My gaze wanders to my hand. The one gracing a ring, to be precise.

By this time tomorrow I would be married. The idea seemed ridiculous yet mundane at the same time, which makes me question my sanity.

I'd known for a long time that I would have to sign a marriage contract before signing official Alexanderson Enterprise documents but the turn things had taken....

I rub my eyes, exhaustion paired with jet lag making them burn.

My past with Arden had already been messy as is, adding a marriage to the pot would only make it simmer over into a disaster and yet..

Yet, I'm glad it's me she gets to call her husband not another as-I stop that thought midway. I have no right. Not after how things had played out four years ago.

But I wasn't the only one responsible for taking the blame of how that had ended.

I could still recall, how every ounce of blood had drained out of my body when I found out she had left. Fucking left without even asking why I had d-"Adrian."

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