07 | ♛ | Villas & Veils

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villas & veils


a u g u s t

WEDDING PREPERATIONS WERE IN full swing by the cusp of August.

Due to the unnatural disposition of our marriage and the minuscule time frame, Blair had to rush everything while also being painfully aware that whatever she did had to be perfect.

Up till now Adrian and I had only been required for one major decision: the theme of our wedding.

Blair had meticulously created a total of ten mood boards, each of which displayed a different style and theme and we had gone back and forth for about a week slowly picking out our top contenders.

In the end, we settled on Once Upon A Night.

Romantic, celestial, inspired by folklore kindled in enchantments it featured a luminous night aesthetic, with the primary colour palette revolving around midnight blues, velvety lilacs, and shimmering silvers juxtaposed by Black Baccara Roses and Silver Brunia accents.

From the pictures, my future sister-in-law had shown us it was bound to be regal and magical.

Today is a follow-up, one during which we plan on deciding the location. We've known it would be a destination wedding since the beginning, with France, Greece and Italy being the top three contenders but today we need to lock down on a venue and city because it can't be prolonged any further.

My interactions with Adrian have been few and far between seeing as there's a lot to get done before the wedding regarding both our respective companies and the joint unit.

He's been flying from one city to the other to ratify deals, visit sites and most likely avoid extra interactions with me but per our agreement, he's been involved and present in every decision and wedding relating aspect.

Which is why I'm not surprised to find him already seated in the office Blair leads me to.

The sight of him sitting in that authoritarian manner of his clad in a black bespoke suit gives me deja vu to the day I signed our final contract, however this time his refined attire and appearance do nothing to hide the fatigue in his eyes and the lines of tension bracketing his mouth.

He'd flown out to Chicago yesterday because one of the companies AE are major shareholders in had to have an emergency meeting/vote for a new CEO after the current one had been caught having an affair with the help. He had landed back in NYC a mere hour ago, having taken a red eye.

I felt a little guilty about him being here but this was a crucial matter that required both our opinions and either way, he would have refused to skip because that would mean going against his promise.

A matter my future husband did not take lightly.

I flick away the morsel of concern I feel like an irrelevant piece of lint but since I am in character right now I do what any loving fiance would: I take a seat beside him, press a kiss to his cheek and hand him his favourite salted toffee latte that's only available at Moka Pot.

"Hey, you. How'd it go at the factory?" I ask, still holding out the hot coffee cup, he eyes it for a second, doing a fantastic job concealing his reaction, before accepting.

Our fingers graze, his holding onto mine as he leans to place a kiss on my head "Though the process was anything but smooth, It's handled now and thank you for this, it's very much needed."

I can't tamp down the urge to ask more but Blair intercepts "I'm afraid I have to cut this catch-up short, love birds, that is if you plan on deciding where you want to tie the knot."

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