11 | ♛ | The Grand Scheme Of Things

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BY THE TIME WE get through all the procedures it's already five and as we, at last, step out of the airport, the vibrant city welcomes them with open arms. 

The golden rays of the setting sun cast a warm glow over everything, illuminating the streets and buildings. The air is filled with a delightful mix of scents, from the aroma of freshly brewed espresso to the tantalizing scent of Italian cuisine wafting from nearby trattorias.

My eyes gobble in every detail and as I look to my right where a line of mostly tourists stream from the open doors while some customers sit outside with lunch assortments like pizzas and salads in front of them.

The scene is enough to draw a tired smile from my lips, it's right out of a book, the hues so perfect they make me want to freshen up and immerse myself in the magic of Naples.

I open my mouth to suggest we do just that but before I get the chance to speak a dulcet voice drawls "Marhabaan eaziziun (Hello, my dears)" and it's the richness of that accent that makes me turn around very very slowly.

Words leave me as I stare at the princess of Veksari with a slack jaw, leaning casually against a Mercedes clad in a blush silk blouse tucked into black bell bottoms.

Her thick waves of ebony are tied in a low bun with some rebellious strands framing her sun-kissed face, those enviously plump lips spread into a grin, making Elham Azan Asfahani's amber eyes practically sparkle.

She's here, she's truly here.

That is enough for me to stride over to her and wrap her in a bone-crushing hug which she returns with the same intensity "Wha-when? How?" I find it hard to get any words out.

Standing there, enveloped in the warmth of my dear friend's embrace, emotions surge within me like a tidal wave. Joy, disbelief, and overwhelming gratitude mingle together, creating a potent cocktail of feelings that threaten to spill over.

In the midst of exhaustion and the whirlwind of travel, I fight to not embarrass myself by sobbing.

"Surprise." Blair grins bashfully from behind me as we pull back "I couldn't let the third bridesmaid dress go to waste, now could I?" this time it's Blair to whom I wrap my arms around while Elle takes the moment to reunite with the rest.

"You are brilliant and I love you beyond words." I tell her honestly, she laughs-the sound like a melody-squeezing me before letting go "You deserve it." my throat grows tight.

Her thoughtfulness in orchestrating this reunion, her determination to make this journey unforgettable and plan our wedding to perfection touch deep within my soul. The magnitude of her gesture washes over me, leaving me eternally grateful.

Grateful for the love, for the surprises, for the bonds that hold us together no matter the distance. 

"Elham," Caspian smiles, his expression contrasting the glare she throws his way as she comments, "I see you still haven't changed, Castle." The sentence causes a shift in their expressions.

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