Chapter 1

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'I feel as they catch my hands and pull out of the room I was locked in. Although I don't know where I am, I'm not that stupid to not know what they're doing with me. Today I also felt more energetic, had more strength to move my ass off the bed. The day before, I was dying from exhaustion, why am I feeling so good now? What's weird, that even through the blind fold I can detect where the walls are, heavy steps of the guards... Are there more of them than before? I think I'm going insane today.

I can't think straight, my thoughts are flying around my head like crazy. I can't focus on one point, I can't keep myself steady.

" Morning, doc." says one of the guards who's leading me towards my everyday torture.

"Good morning." I hear the voice that I hate the most in this world. I frown and raise my head at him, I mean, where the voice leads me, and hold myself not to spit at him. To my surprise they take off my blind fold and let me look around. The doctor grabs my jaw and pulls to himself, looking carefully at my eyes and face. " No change yet?

"She didn't cause any problems." answers the guard shortly.

" Let's just get rid of her, she is no use to us any more. " He points at some chair to which they take me to.

My panic arises. What did he mean? Why? After all they did to me? They were injecting me some shit, testing, rubbing something onto my skin, feeding me some disgusting stuff. After everything that I've gone through now they just...

I feel a hard push and get locked to the chair. They stick wires to my skin and click some stuff on the tablet. What's the worst I see what's happening. I already feel the tickle of electricity on my skin. I'm terrified.

But when they click, I feel nothing. What I start feeling is that I'm more stuffed. I feel like an overcharged battery, which is about to explode. Is it how a human should feel?

All of a sudden all I hear is a loud explosion, and screams of hurt people. I hear walls crumbling, heavy bodies fall.

When I open eyes, all I see is a massacre. But I feel relieved to get everything out, whatever that was. Everything is a ruin, people have their hearts stabbed through, but there's no blood. Who did that? Not me, right?

I approach the body of the doctor and crouch beside it. I touch his chest and then put fingers on this throat. No heartbeat. Cold body. I exhale, terrified and in shock, using the opportunity, I run to the exit. When the machine asks for a code I take a moment to think. It can't be that hard...

I touch the device and it starts to make some weird sounds, but the door opens. I run out, hearing guards screaming and running in my direction. I quickly hide around the corner, getting into the closet on the way. I did good, cause I can hear them sprint right outside my hiding spot. They're all armed up, holding scary guns...

When they close the door behind them, probably to make me unable to get out of the room that I'm already out of, I sneak out and slowly walk through a dim corridor and notice a small map on one of the tablets that lay on the table in the niche. I pick it up and begin to move quicker, towards the freedom. I'll think about everything later on. I don't want to put even more burden on my mind.

After half an hour of finding the way out, I finally reach it. I put the hand on the door, hoping I'll do the same thing as before. I see some strange lines coming out of my hand, totally destroying the door blocking me off on the way to freedom. All I feel is the self doubt taking over me and my body. That means I don't understand even myself. How should I handle these stuff? What is that? Why my hands do all these weird, magic... things.'

Okay, and now to the more interesting stuff. As you probably know, from the incoherent description of my boring past that I'm the radiant. The Radiants, people gifted with powers, feared by normies. Well, I didn't earn this an easy way, right?
I'm sorry the description where I do come from was so short and weird. It's all because I don't really remember what happened there. I just know I murdered all these people who were slowly leading me to death. And I'd have died if it wouldn't be for my abilities. I don't think I regret wasting their lives; they all deserved it. There were more, who were tortured everyday to just help the doctors get the good results. I was the lucky one, the one that could get out. After two years of my disappearance they assumed I'm probably dead, so I'm not wanted anymore. I call myself Laria, I'm 23 years old (because someone told me I look like it. What? I don't really know when I was born.) and I work as a thief. Yes, you heard me right, a thief. It's easy with my abilities to make things fly over to you, open doors and overall hack into different devices. It's never been easier.

I yawn as I correct headphones on my head and wait for the train to come. I'm currently in Split, my favourite city out of all in this country. I sip my coffee I got on my way here and unlock my phone. I got another task to do, so I quickly read what I should do. I still don't really understand all the letters, but people who hired me try their best to teach me the most important things. Although that I'm stupid enough to not get most of the stuff happening around me. Maybe it's because I was locked my whole life in a lab... Whatever, it's over. I need to move on and try to assimilate with others. Thinking about that I smile at some kid who's standing beside me. She didn't seem to be happy with that, so she just ran away to her mom.

I sigh and remember now, that I've been taught that smiling at people might be creepy at times. What's that lesson though? Isn't smiling friendly?

I also recently have discovered I love ice screams. I mean, cream. All flavours are delicious, and I love that it's cold. It cools me down a little and what's odd, I feel calmer.

Okay, now onto more interesting things while I'm moving to another city to do my job. Let me begin. I'm electrical radiant, which is pretty simple to begin with. I control electricity, I can make a temporary shield to dodge bullets (unless they destroy it first with the spray of bullets.) and what's fun, I can make myself faster and slide, which is super useful while running away. With my shield and speed? Try to catch me.

I recently discovered I can heal people, too. Not like this popular Sage, but a bit differently. It's like defibrillator. It's so weird to use, and what I could notice, very uncomfortable to others. I understand, I take it as a pleasure being struck by a lighting but others... Might not.

I tried to keep it as simple as I could. I learned it all by myself after I escaped. The adrenaline I had in my veins at the time I was escaping the lab didn't help me process everything. I just had one thing in my head. "Run." So I did. Until I found a safe and abandoned home where I could rest up. There I could practice my abilities for a while to the moment I found a nice job to help me stay alive. I was selling fruit at some market and there I met a really kind, old lady. She was treating me like her kid, so I kind of became it. She always invited me to the dinner and was chatting with me on our free time. I felt warmth and cared about, and I didn't want to lose this feeling. Never.

But someday she just had to go. And I had to let her. She needed some rest, she was always overworking herself; for me and for her.

I'll never forget how grateful I am to this woman, but I have to move on, too. Although she tried to raise me as a good kid, I had to survive by myself somehow. I didn't have friends, contacts and even any family to go to. I was all alone.

Nevermind, after I stole my first thing to survive, because I was starving after the shop got closed, I got caught. But not by the local police or security. I was offered to join some thief group and I couldn't turn this down. It was the perfect opportunity for me to finally be able to live in this weird world.

So I'm here, ready to steal some cash again. Ready to eat pizza for my dinner and lay down right beside my fireplace after all is done.
So, let's begin.

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