Chapter 11

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I wake up and I immediately spot Cypher who's preparing something on a... new table. This hasn't been here before, I'm sure.

He seems to not having noticed that I'm awake already, so I just watch him. He's changed a lot; I can't really get it. Has he even slept? Or he's been awake all night, staring at me? Just thinking about it feels creepy. But... I'm glad he's not against me any more. Wait, I forgot about one, important thing. Maya. I've been so busy with everything that she completely flew out of my head. I think it's high time I asked about her.

- Greetings. - I hear his cheerful voice. - The breakfast will be served in a moment!

- Good morning, Aamir. - I say slowly, sitting up. - I just remembered one thing...

- What is it?

- Where's Maya?

The silence follows. I intensively stare at him, hoping to force him to tell me. He turns his head to breakfast again, moving fingers nervously.

- Is it enough that I tell you she's in good hands? - he says, looking back at me.

I frown, not really understanding things. If we're back at Valorant, why would he hide what's happening with her?

- Eat, Sparkle. Don't bother your tired mind with that. - slowly putting the plate down, he backs off and sits down. I feel like he doesn't want to leave. I'm stuck with him now. - Strawberry pancakes. - I can hear him smile. - Took a while before it was perfect.

Okay, that's really creepy. I decide it's time to ask about it, as well.

- Why are you caring about me so much?

His pupils display him closing his eyes, as if he'd be smiling.

- Nothing serious, I just think you deserve this care. I don't want you to feel bad around here. - he crouches in front of me. - Stop asking questions, and focus on eating, Laria. You should stop worrying so much.

He was about to walk out, but he stopped.

- I know I'm doing the opposite of what I've just said, but tomorrow we're going on a mission. Haven. Don't worry, I'll help you recover quickly.

After this, he leaves.

{Laria; the copy}

Once we were back, I immediately headed to the training area. I need to understand my powers, better than the real me. I feel like there's a bigger potential than everyone thinks. She just kept it optimal. Silly one...

I inhale deeply and feel the power around me. I take my time to analyse my surroundings and gather my energy. I need to remember, I can't stop myself, I need to go all out. I should not be scared of myself, like the stupid Laria is. I open my eyes and see myself being all surrounded my electricity. I feel it's warmth and power. I can't stop a giggle. It's amazing. I think I should make a use of it now...

- Don't. - I hear a growl behind me and the whole power just vanishes. He surprised me.

I turn around slowly and face the hoodie man. Oh give me a break.

- Don't?

- Do not. - The glowing holes get wider.  - I know who you are. I already told Brimstone.

- And what, he didn't believe you? - I smirk.

- No. But he's careful. - he takes off his hoodie and the scratches shape into the pair of blue, glowing eyes. No pupils, just glowing. The thick smoke coming from top of his head looks like hair. He looks like a monster, completely black, just eyes visible. - I won't hesitate to face you if you do something. - he whispers, his deep voice echoing in my ears. - You won't lay a finger on anyone from Valorant.

- Is that your soft side, spooky, ghost boy? - I chuckle, hitting his chest with a fist gently. - Caring about everyone all of a sudden?

- Even if, I won't let a hair fall off of them. I'll end you, so don't try anything risky, alright?

- I'm not scared of you, Shadow. - I frown, getting sick of his shit.

He pulls his hoodie back up, the eyes transforming into glowing holes again.

- I'll keep an eye on you. Cypher might have completely forgotten about his duty about making sure you won't stab us in a back, but I'm still here, Sparkle.



This day is passing really quickly. With Cypher's help, I feel better in no time. It's weird how I recovered so fast, but I guess I could just charge myself. I giggle at my own joke. Oh, this was great... right?

In the evening I play with my abilities, watching sparkles flying around the room. Aamir is sitting right beside me, watching the show I create.

- That's pretty. - I hear him, saying this in his dreamy voice. - If only enemies could see this beautiful side of your power.

- Yeah. - I whisper, moving my hands slowly in the air. - Yeah... - I repeat myself, putting my hands down. - Tomorrow's the mission.

- Yes, in Haven. - he looks at me. - This city always seemed friendly. It's a pity we have to fight there. Well, happens...

- I mean, it doesn't so often. - I giggle. Why do I feel so comfortable with him now? After the whole day spent with him I feel way better. Especially all I received from him is care and help now. Not like before. He used to be freaking me out.

- Laria... whatever happens, I'm on your side.

I look at him, stunned.

- Okay... thank you. - I reply, shocked. I crack a smile, though. I've never heard it before.

- And I won't let them hurt you. - the anger is hearable in his voice. Now I get scared a little; this seems like an obsession now. Jeesh...

Or maybe it is?

The next day everyone's busy preparing for a mission. All agents are silent, except Cypher, who keeps talking to me. I try to listen, but at the same time I feel a bit pressured. It's all hard to understand.

- Are you alright, [y/n]? - he holds my shoulder, his mechanic pupils carefully observing.

I nod and smile.

- Just a bit stressed. Normal stuff. - he nods at my reply and ruffles my hair, which surprised me, as well. I guess I need to get used to.

We are transported by an airship, where I observe everything from up. Damn, Jett surely has a lot of fun being able to fly into the air. I wonder what are abilities decided on. Or is it random? No idea. We still know too little.

- We're here. Everyone, prepare. - I hear Killjoy's voice. I've never talked to her personally, but I think being on a mission isn't that bad of a start, right? Once we land safely on the ground and the floor goes down, creating an exit, she looks me dead in the eye. - Don't cause any trouble.

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