Chapter 6

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I walk with Jett through the long, dark corridor until we reach the metal door of Brimstone's office. The one I've been to before, of course. As we enter the fresh air gently brushes my face.

- I brought her, sir.

- Thank you. - Brimstone replies to Jett, pouring himself a coffee. His cup, as I notice is painted in small robots, obviously done by a childish hand. - So, without useless introductions; we got another coordinates, leading to the next place where we can find the Radianite. We believe we will be able to take you on this mission.

- Oh, sure! I almost understand the whole gun stuff, I'm sure I'll be of help. - I feel electricity going through my spine because of the excitement.

- I don't think that's a good idea, Brimstone. She's been with us for a short while, don't you think it's too early?

- Let's just secure her, just in case. I don't think anything will happen.

I look at both of them, my eyes jumping to one another as they discuss whether it's a good idea to take me with them. Personally I'm excited, but at the same time slightly scared. I'm worried about these "obstacles" Jett and Cypher were talking about. But as I can see, Brimstone is sure that it won't happen again.

- Laria, you're going with us. We'll show you everything you need at place.

Jett doesn't seem to be convinced, but stays silent. Probably doesn't want to hurt me and argue with Brimstone. I'm thankful for her care, though. It's heart-warming.

- Thank you, Brim. I'll do my best. Jett, would you like to train with me?

- Sure. - she mutters, but after a while she sighs. - Sure. - she repeats, this time smiling.

And it's going like that for the next week. We train everyday, practice my abilities. I haven't seen Cypher so often, though. It's not like I specially was walking around, okay? I just haven't seen him. But I always felt like somebody was watching me.

The Day is coming, and I can't sit in one place. I'm super excited, ready to start the mission. Everyone's getting ready, and there I am, sitting in a corner, fully equipped and ready. Did I mention my new outfit? I don't think so. They created, for me, the whole costume. And I love it. It suits my abilities, personality that I'm finally discovering (as I never had a chance to share it with anyone really...) and overall it's just... awesome. I love it wholeheartedly, careful not to scratch it even. Brimstone comes with the whole squad. He picked Reyna, Cypher (I finally had a chance to see him again.), Sage, creepy Omen and the new guy Yoru. During the whole flight to the city called Ascent, he's hailing himself, talking how his abilities might be of use. Such a narcissist, but seems like a cool guy anyway.

I look at Cypher and he looks at me. We observe each other in silence, until he finally speaks up.

- First mission.

I nod, looking at [Favourite gun for sidearms] attached to my belt.

- I'm worried I'll be needing to use them. - I whisper, looking up at him.

- Don't worry. I have been given a task to guard you, so if anything happens it's on me. I'll take care of it.

- You're... not afraid of killing?

He seems to skip this question, probably afraid to scare me off. But it doesn't worry me, I know he wouldn't hurt me. Right?

We land and everyone gets out.

- Okay, all, find the radianite and we get out. Got it? - I hear Omen's husky, deep voice. His head turns at me. - Don't cause any trouble.

Wow. I split from the group and walk around by myself, but I hear Cypher's steps following.

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