Answer A

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You chose the answer A: Trust Cypher and let him go by himself. Enjoy your ending and thank you for reading my story!


I frown, but I really feel weak. I look at Cypher and he smiles reassuringly, letting me know that it's alright if I don't go with him.

Judging by his expression he doesn't want that either. He doesn't want me to risk. Taking off his mask he puts a hand on the back of my neck and pulls me to kiss my forehead.

"You need to rest up, Sparkle." he smiles warmly, looking me deep in the eyes. "It's been a long day. I will handle this thing and... hopefully we'll live peacefully. I'll be back before you know." he grins, poking my forehead, on the place where he kissed me.

"Sure..." I crack a weak smile and just hug him tightly. I feel as his arms immediately wrap around me, holding me tightly as if they never were to let go. This moment lasts way too short, but he needs to release me. Omen places a hand on Cypher's shoulder and pulls him gently away from me.

"Phoenix, you're going with us. Killjoy will take your trio." Omen points at us. "Stay here."

"Goodbye, guys..." I manage to choke out. Aamir turns around and looks at me again, smiling brightly.

"Goodbye, my love."


I feel as if something squeezes my heart painfully when I look at her the last time. I get into the jet and wave to her, the pain not letting to.

"Don't worry, you'll see her." Omen mutters to me while the door is closing.

"What if I don't." I say, feeling as the level of my annoyance grows. "If we kill the core, you will disappear?"

"Yes, yes I will." he says, firmly. As if he wasn't scared of it.

I bet my expression changed a bit - maybe I seem a bit sadder. This somehow hit me and made me realise that I might care even a bit about some of the agents. I frown to make up for the depressed expression, and snort.

"Sorry to hear that."

"I know you are." Omen says, taking off his hoodie. Now three of the lines form into a face, which shows a smile. "I feel your emotions, as well. Listen, I know you're worried about [y/n], but it's better if she doesn't get involved. I can guarantee no one will let her get kidnapped now."

"Now..." I chuckle slightly. "The Kingdom is one piece of a fake shit."

"Agreed. It's always been." he says, but hesitates a bit. "Well, not always. Shatter... was a better person before. They all change because of greed." he sighs. "Anyways, let's focus on the mission."

As we're flying high up I look down through a small window, and notice my old home. If I can call it a home any more.

The ground is cracked, some of the buildings collapsed into incredibly deep slots. Sand is covering most of the constructions, ladders and plants are destroyed.

The Radianite is already killing everything.

When we land, I carefully step out and check whether the ground is stable. Thankfully I put my foot on a hard rock. I fix the gun on my shoulder and look at the rest of the team walking out.

"We're going down." Viper says, preparing ropes we'll slide down on. "Stay alert. We all know we have pretty dangerous enemies." sighing, she checks whether the equipment is all ready. "Let's go down."


We walk towards the helicopter that's supposed to take us back to the headquarters. I wonder whether they'll succeed for real. I feel wrong in my stomach, and wonder whether it was a good idea to leave them alone. I look at Killjoy, and notice she's already observing me. She knows what's on my mind.

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