Answer B

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You chose the answer B: Go with him just in case. Enjoy your ending and thank you for reading my story!


"No, I'm going with them." I insist, placing my palm on a chest. "They need more people."

Cypher frowns and sighs. "[Y/n], you need to stay to heal up." he approaches me and grabs my shoulders firmly. "Look at your face, darling, not to be mean but you look terrible."

Snorting I push off his hands and point my finger at his chest. "You never know who might be useful, Aamir. I'm going with you." I say, my voice shaky a little.

"Cypher, just take her. We can't afford losing time." Omen growls, throwing a gun into my arms. The weight of the weapon makes me slouch.

Cypher looks at me, clearly not happy from my decision. He pulls down his mask to cover his face once again and helps me to get on the jet.

"Alright, everyone's in, we can go." Viper yells to the pilot, then looks at me. "How are you, little one?"

"I'm just fine." I crack a smile, and cough into my fist. "I want to help you and be written down as a hero who helped to destroy the Radianite." I giggle, obviously joking.

"I think the society will see us as their enemies for way longer than you think." She smiles a little under her mask and sits down beside me. "Let's focus on saving our people, then."

"You're right."

During the flight Brimstone explains how everything will work out. The dagger absorbs the energy of the radianite, that's why it'll break after killing the core. We have only one chance to destroy it, and we have to stab the 'heart' of it.

I look at Omen. His hood is off, and his expression clearly seems concerned. If the plan works out, he'll disappear. 

I stand up and approach him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Omen." I say quietly. "Is everything alright?"

"No, not really. But thanks for asking." He sighs and faces me. "This is the first time I know for sure that if the mission will succeed, I'll die. But... at the same time I'm happy. I suffer. I just... don't want to leave you all."

"I understand. We'll miss you." I smile, trying to cheer him up. Cypher approaches us and looks at the guy next to me.

"Ey, Omen." he says. "I'll miss you too." winking playfully he crouches in front of him. "Honestly... You were one of my few friends."

"Thank you, Aamir." he nods.

After a few hours of our last talks we finally arrived. Whatever we do, there will always be a loss - we'll lose Omen, or we'll die ourselves. Cypher helps me to get out of the vehicle and what I see scares me. Bind, or more like what's left of it, is a one, big ruin. Cracks in the ground, sand covering everything, roots of the core on the outside, as well. I feel a headache explode in my head and Cypher slowly kisses my forehead, seeing as I suffer.

"A bit more, Sparkle."

We get down with the help of long ropes that are attached to the jet. My heart's racing, and I feel the presence of the core strongly on my body. Other Radiants seem to feel it too. The electricity in my hands literally is going crazy and it's a miracle I'm holding it all in.

We go through caves, cracks, until we reach the final cave with green, glowing roots all over it. In the middle there is a tree that's covered in thousands of crystals, glowing in the dark. There's already someone waiting for us - at first he seems as one of those rocks, but as we come closer we notice the similar face - Shatter, slowly stroking the tree as if it was his treasure.

"There you are." he says, as a few of his copies come from behind his back. "Let's get straight into it, shall we."

The copies immediately attack us - no reasoning, just violence. My team immediately prepares to defend themselves, and so do I. I create a shield, which is way stronger and bigger due to the power of the core. Brimstone points at me, wide-eyed.

"Take the dagger and go with Cypher! Protect him!" He yells, and all I can do is nod. Cypher grabs the dagger and takes it out of the protection. On a way to our destination I repel the attacks of our enemies, paralysing them. Aamir reaches the tree, now looking for the 'heart' of it. He needs to take his time, that's why I need to make sure he's safe from anyone else. My shield is covering us, but I really don't know for how long. Last time it bared a few minutes, but maybe the energy of the core will gain more time. I hear his victorious laugh as he holds his hand on the place where he felt the heart. The dagger shines as he brings it into the air, just to immediately go down to stab through the tree's heart. It feels like an explosion, throwing everyone on the ground. The tree stops glowing, and we can see Shatter falling down to the ground, his copies vanishing into the air. I slowly get up, helping Aamir to do the same.

Shatter screams as he slowly falls apart, literally. Half of him was the radianite's job, that's why he'll die with it. Then, I remember one thing - Omen. When I look around I notice our old friend slowly vanishing into the air, as well. He looks terrified.

"Goodbye, friends." he finally whispers, a smile appearing on his face. "It was an honour to be with you all."

All of the agents stand, taken aback by the quick events. Everything happened so quickly, uncontrollably. We killed the core, our friend is gone and we got rid of our worst enemy. And he for sure won't be coming back. I smile, slowly sitting down on the rock. When I try to summon my abilities, nothing happens.

I'm normal now.

All of the agents now try to use their powers, but as well as me, they lost them. I laugh slightly, feeling relieved to have my burden off of me. But as much as I'm happy, I'll miss it.

Cypher, Viper and Brim's equipment doesn't work any more, either. We all look at each other, and despite the success we don't celebrate it.

We all just quietly go back to headquarters.

- A few years later -


I grab two cups of tea off of the wooden table and head out. She's sitting there, watching the view as she always does in the morning. I smile, standing there for a while and observing her beauty. This is her, this is the love of my life.

After our last, successful mission we moved out to live in a small cottage in the countryside. Now we live a peaceful life, together.

"There you are, Aamir." she grins as she spots me looking at her. I giggle and walk over, giving her the cup. "We need to go and see this statue of the Kessaret that was visiting the Earth. Omen told me I remind him of her." she sighs, sipping the tea slowly. "I think he used to love someone before, as well."

"I bet. Before he became a shadow." I smile, sitting on the grass beside her. "You too still think of him from time to time, don't you?"

"He was my good friend." She smiles gently, looking at the lake in the distance. "Don't worry, I think of you all the time." she teases me, nudging me with her elbow. I chuckle and kiss her cheek.

"I love you, Aamir." her whisper sends chills down my spine.

"I love you too, Sparkle."

Good Ending

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