Chapter 3

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After listening to their offer, they gave me the time to think. I was grateful, as I started to feel like a mess, it seemed I can't grasp everything that's happening around me.

I sit down on the bed in the room Cypher allowed me to sleep, and I take the pillow. I press it against my chest in a tight hug, closing my eyes. I need to take everything in.

I inhale, and rewind everything. They simply offered me to work as the agent and steal some really expensive gems. That's what I'm good at, am I right? I bet the whole offer is way deeper than the part they've told me, but I can't pressure them.

Everything now seems a lot quieter. It's peaceful here. No disturbance. I've never lived like that. It's good to finally try it out. Cypher is in the room right beside and I don't mind, actually. He's neutral to me, and after having a whole show of his security equipment I do not fear being caught at night. I hear steps and look up, seeing the door crack open.

- Hello, Laria. - says Sage. - How do you feel?

- Confused a little, but despite that all good. Why did you come to me?

- I wanted to check up on you. I bet it's been a tough day.

- It always has been, I learned how to overcome it. Nothing special. Please, don't make me a victim here.

She smiles slightly, finally.

- I see.

Then, the stone face comes back.

- Be aware of Cypher. After you have him on his side he seems friendly, but I don't think he has any stronger bonds with anyone. If there's a need, he'll shoot you. He won't be as considerate as me.

- Thanks, I guess. I don't intend to vanish anyway. I'm fine with the way I'm right now. At least think so.

- You can trust me. - She puts a hand on my shoulder, talking in a soothing voice. - I will make sure you're fine.

Somehow the reassuring tone calms me down. She pats my shoulder twice and stands up.

- Maybe you and Cypher actually can become friends. I would be surprised to see that, but also pleased.

- Yea, I will try it, right away. I don't have anything else to do anyway. - I crack a slight smile.

She nods and heads out. Of course I'm not going to him. Not now at least, he will make me lose my consciousness again. I don't trust this guy at all, he seems heartless. Maybe he is. Or maybe I should be more considerate? What if he just lost somebody and doesn't want to be hurt again? I should really stop judging people so fast. I think a small chat wouldn't do any harm.

I tip toe out of my room, looking around. There he is, all gear on the table, didn't even pay attention to me. After a moment I notice blue dots aim straight at me.

- Yes? - he asks, not even raising his head.

- Um... - this is so awkward. Why did I agree to that? - How are you?

- Good.

And... what now? Damn, this dude.

- I see you're busy, I will head out, haha..

- My thanks.

OK, ouch. Well, whatever, not like I planned a long conversation anyway. I turn around, and make my way back to my room. That was so stupid, why did I even head out of my room. I just need to wait for my boss or whoever has control over me now to give me some cosy house.

I think I need to rest. Today's been tiring. I cover myself with sheets and sigh deeply. My body is restless, and it takes me a few, long minutes before I find myself in the right position.

I see them. They came to us.

- Mom? - I ask quietly, seeing strange figures standing outside.

- They came... - she whispered. - [y/n], you have to get out of here.

- What? Why?

- [y/n], please. You have to listen to me, just trust me. - she crouches and grasps both of my shoulders. - You'll understand someday.

- Where should I go?

- Anywhere, as far as you can... - she strokes my hair, smiling gently. Although that, she seems sad.

- Mom... I don't want to go.

I hear the door open and heavy steps of men bursting into the room. I didn't even notice when, but mom grabbed me and now she's running towards the exit in the back of our house. Immediately after opening the door, I hear a loud shot and I fall down with her. The ground isn't the softest, but before I can even get to myself and try to get up, two hands firmly take my wrists and drag somewhere. When I turn my head around I see her body laying without a move on the ground.

- MO-OM!!!! - I get up quickly, completely covered in sweat. What was that...?

When I turn around I notice that Cypher is standing in the entrance, looking at me.

- Could you, please, be a bit quieter? - he says, but it's not a mean tone. He actually asked this in a soft one.

This didn't calm me down, though.

- Shut up. Please. My head is exploding.

There's a moment of silence. I wonder if he's debating whether he should warm up a bit towards me, or not.

- I might have some headache pills. Wait here.

I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Maybe there's a way to get to him. I'll try to. With pills he brings a glass of water and places it on a small coffee table that is in the room. I grab it and swallow pills.

- Nightmare? - he asks.

- Hm? - Did he just speak to me first?

- I have them, too. Don't worry. It'll be our secret. - he winks with his weird eyes. - But you can tell me what you saw, it'd be interesting.

- Nothing important. - oh, what an irony. I was supposed to open up, and I'm the one trying to prevent him from asking personal questions.

- Oh come on, you can tell me. - He corrects himself in a chair and crosses arms on his chest. I can't tell whether he's smiling or not. But his voice sounds like it.

- Do you ever take your mask off? - I change the subject, I wanted to ask this anyway.

- Rarely. I need to eat, somehow. And drink. I'm not a robot, you know?

- Oh I don't know. - I take a sip of water.

He giggles, honestly amused.

- Okay, sleep tight, I'll go back to work. Tomorrow you have to tell me all about your dream.

- Cypher?

- Yes?

- Can you just stay, for a while? A small company would be appreciated.

- Haha, have I already stolen your heart? - He asks, holding his both hands together. - Of course, ma'am, I'll stay. Just sleep, please.

I snort, but lay down and watch as he grabs the chair and places it beside my bed. He puts his fingers on my eyelids and closes my eyes slowly.

- Rest up, sparkle.

I can't hold a smile. Even if he said that with a small tease, this is the nicest way anyone has ever called me.

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