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Chapter 186: Otherworld!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

When Pyramid Head left, the water level in the staircase fell, and the door could be opened. All the weird things disappeared.

Fang Qi picked up the items and went downstairs.

There were all kinds of weird situations in Silent Hill. For example, many places were blocked, and there were a lot of big holes in the ground

It meant that despite the big area of the town, the players didn't have lots of routes to reach the destination.

Although there might be other routes, Fang Qi had been following the route from his memory.

After all, he was a guy who was old schooled and liked to stick to the original version.

The fog in the town was even thicker, and the atmosphere was creepier.

It was as silent as death.

"Lakeside Amusement Park?" Sitting on a couch, Nalan Mingxue watched the game while drinking Coke. "Is this the special place mentioned in the letter?"

"What special place?" Dong Qingli and Zhan Wanyu huddled together beside her. The big and soft couch could accommodate lots of people, and the current occupants were mostly girls!

"The main character is here to find his wife, right?" Nalan Mingxue analyzed. "His wife said in the letter that she is waiting for him in the special place at Silent Hill."

"You still remember the plot?!" Not only Dong Qingli, but the Royal Princess, Xu Zixin, and the girls from the other two academies all looked at her in surprise.

They had been scared out of their wits and couldn't remember the plot anymore.

"The main character had followed many clues trying to find the way. He came here because all the other routes had been blocked." Su Tianji saw a figure appearing in the thick fog on the screen. It looked to be a woman, who was resting her hands on the top of the fence outside the Lakeside Amusement Park.

"Did he find her?"

"Ugh?" Many people in the audience perked up and stared at the screen with interest.

It was a beautiful foreign woman with blonde hair and green eyes, and she was in a red uniform of some kind.

"No..." Hearing the main character denying that she was his wife, all the audience members were disappointed; they had thought that the main character had finally found his wife after going through all these hardships.

Everyone felt lost since they all hoped that he could find his wife sooner and leave this damn place.

This place was so creepy that even the players didn't know how they would handle it if they were there, let alone the male character who was only an ordinary person!

"You look exactly like my dead wife. It's unbelievable! You two look like twins, and your voices are even the same! The only differences are your hair colors and clothes."

Hearing these words, the audience felt that the atmosphere got even weirder. Previously, they had seen a body resembling the male character, and now they saw a woman resembling his wife.

"Why is the game so weird!" Xu Zixin rubbed her forehead, feeling like she was more confused as the exploration got further.

"Is it an illusion?" Dong Qingli said, "An illusion created by the main character's psyche due to him missing his wife?"

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