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Chapter 601: Time to Counterattack!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"Damn! Damn it! Oh! The damn Thorn Flower and Flame Bird! Why don't you use your hidden cards? What are you waiting for!?" Wiping the tea that he just spewed out on the desk with a paper towel, Luther tried to regain his composure, pacing in the room like an ant on a hot pan.

How could he show these battles to the public?!

"What are these people doing? Your opponents are only lowly barbaric natives!" Luther cussed in his room.

After calming down, he fixed his tie.

Among the families believing in the God of Radiant Light Judgement, the Thorn Flower Family and the Flame Bird Family were two elite families and had many unknown hidden cards.

It was time for them to unleash their full force.

In the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection, Luther saw 'Land of Thorns', the black-robed man who was as steady as land, slowly standing up.

At this moment, the level 9 black-armored knight Aude, the last knight guarding the palace, had unleashed his full force. With godly power, he had reached level 9, the pinnacle point of his strength.

If they continued to hide their strengths, they would be disgraced after the war regardless if they won or not.

At this moment, Luther finally saw something he liked.

The fighter covered in blood finally fell to the ground, and his body was covered in shocking sword wounds. Obviously, even with the blessing of a paladin, he, a warrior who had just reached level 7, was no match for a level 9 knight who had supreme power.

After breaking the neck of this maniac warrior, Godly Punisher Aude exhaled a sigh of relief. His bright armor became ragged, and he had a few wounds on his body. These were all disgraces for him.

He tossed away Gabriel's blood-covered corpse like a broken sack.

"Sorry, everyone. We had a small problem with the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection, but it's been fixed." Finally, Luther released the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection again after a while. "Oh! Look at the insolent barbaric native! His impulsive behavior only lead to the capture of his companions since they are facing Mr. Aude."

"Yes, this brave and fierce knight that you see in black dragon armor is Mr. Aude, the 'Godly Punisher'! However, I think being captured might be a good fate for these natives."

While was Luther babbling about the situation on the battlefield, many people on White Pigeon Square exclaimed, "Look! What's that?!"

Gabriel, who had been silent and seemed dead, suddenly got up from the ground in a weird way.

Strengthened by dragon blood, he was more difficult to kill than ordinary people. Right now, his eyes were filled with crazy lights as if he couldn't feel any pain.

When this man was on the verge of death, the endless potential hidden in his body crack open. The faint light from it merged with the huge blood essence and turned into a source of life.

Strangely, his deadly wounds were all healed.

Resistance to Death!

For some fighters, they would challenge their enemies even if it meant death. They pursued explosive and fierce force by sacrificing everything they had.

The closer to death they were, the greater strength they would have.

The berserkers who constantly flirted with death would gradually gain an instinctive ability to resist death.

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