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Chapter 196: The Senior Has Something Weighing on His Mind

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations


"How about the issue in Jiangnan..."


"Everything is ready, and we just need a trigger!" Ji Wuyou placed a black chess piece on the chessboard.

"In fact, that small shop named Origins did us a favor..." Ji Wuyou said coldly, "It attracted the attention of so many major forces, and they let down their guard. It is quite a feat!"

"Right." A hoarse voice came from the shadows. "Thanks to this small shop, our arrangements in the Jiangnan Region have accelerated by 30 percent!"

"At his great age, he still craves power and doesn't want to give up being the head of the Nalan Family..." Ji Wuyou snickered. "Now, he doesn't have to hand it over. He can take it to the grave with him."

"Your Highness, we have done an investigation of the issue you mentioned." At this moment, a figure in black appeared in the courtyard.


"Two hundred years ago, Nalan Hongwu led 50,000 soldiers of Jin and battled with Fu Beihai at the Sky Prison Mountain."

"Fu..." Ji Wuyou said, "Now, we rarely hear this family name..."

"Before Dajin was established, this land was full of major families and complicated forces of all sizes..." Ji Wuyou said, "The biggest resistant force was..."

"It was the families by the Kirin Cliff, and they were headed by the Fu Family," the man in black reported. "According to our investigation..."

He took out an exquisitely-made scroll.

"Fu Beihai lived at the Kirin Cliff while his ambition spread all over the south. In the era which was filled with heroes, he even won such a high evaluation... Interesting!"

"These two men had been best friends?!" Ji Wuyou was a little surprised since those rebellious families were mortal enemies of Dajin!

"After the battle at the Sky Prison Mountain, Nalan Hongwu's personality had changed greatly? Even other people in the Nalan Family didn't dare to mention it?"

While reading the reports, Ji Wuyou's expression changed several times. "I heard that Nalan Hongwu's talent is as high as that of Ji Xuantong. But for some reason, his cultivation progress suddenly slowed down, and it has stopped progressing for more than 100 years... Otherwise, we'd have to think twice before we make plans in the Jiangnan Region!"

Ji Wuyou suddenly laughed, "I just said that I needed a trigger, and now it came!"

"A small mental issue will cause great damage! Since this Nalan Hongwu is old and useless, I can deal with him if I make plans carefully!"

"The throne of Dajin should have been passed down to the branch of my Ji Family in East Ocean. What abilities does Ji Wu have? How come he can sit on the throne? And they just gave us the title of East Ocean Regional King? What a joke!"

"In fact, the other three Regional Kings have given us their secret support. When we take down the Nalan Family and the other big families in the Jiangnan Region, Ji Wu's support will be crippled. Ji Xuantong, since you didn't pass the throne to my branch, we'll take it ourselves!

"After all, only the most powerful can sit on the throne!"


– On the next day, when Nalan Hongwu was about to finish Silent Hill 2 –

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