Chapter 944: The Ten-Year-Long Internet Story in This World (The End - 2/2)

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The great war had huge effects on the whole world. Although the golden spiritual rain healed most of the damaged places between the Heavens and Earth and removed all the injuries and diseases from the people who were bathed in it, some people still died. For example, the high holinesses who had come to help Origins Internet Club with their spiritual treasures at Shen Gongbao's persuasion had been killed before the war by the preventive mechanisms left in the spiritual treasures by the immortal masters.

Due to the backlash of the Head-Nailing Seven Arrows Book, Gu Tingyun reincarnated and returned to Heavenly Academy to cultivate.

Of course, there were beneficiaries.

Even though the realms other than the mortal world received lower benefits, the Valkyrie who was lying in the pool found that her fingertips shook a little.

"I... I can move?!" Sure enough, her arms could move now. Her breath turned shallow as she murmured, "After I recover, I'll..."

"Wait. It's 8 PM now! I'll see what TV Series the shop has tonight!" At this thought, she immediately cast a spell to show the big screen at the lounge area in the shop.

Immediately, she heard the song, "I still can't part with you... let us stay together in the mortal world and live a dashing life..."

On the big screen were two big words— My Fair Princess!

[TL Note: My Fair Princess, also known as Return of the Pearl Princess or Princess Returning Pearl, is a 1998–1999 television costume drama. It had been rebroadcasted every summer for more than ten years, and everyone in China knows about it.]


"What TV Series is this?!" Immediately, she began watching it, engrossed as she lay in the pool.


As for the previous gods who had entered the Gods' Investiture List, they were now busy working day and night in the most dangerous fissures in the world. Full of void tribulation thunderbolts, these places couldn't be reached by the golden spiritual rain, and they worked tirelessly to heal these fissures and contribute to the recovery of the world.

Many years later when they finally purged their sins, they could finally return to the Gods' Investiture Platform and shoulder the responsibility of protecting this world.


By now, Mr. Fang's internet café and its games and movies had spread all over the world. Its arcade games and mobile games were popular even in other realms.

Time passed.

Some of the old players worked in the shops. For example, Shen Qingqing became the head of the internet café's culture and promotion department. Xu Zixin established an association to study gun-fighting techniques and was responsible for part of the security work outside the shop. Dong Qingli, the owner of Wind and Moon Pavilion, had made her business into a chain of stores and offered delicacies in every corner of the world under Mr. Fang's recommendations.

Some had grown out of their youthful confusion, realized their dreams, and built their careers. Take Song Qingfeng and his two good friends Lin Shao and Xu Luo as examples. Song Qingfeng had joined the expedition into the ruins beyond the sky and explored the secrets of the whole world. Lin Shao had returned to Lingyun Academy, and this former disciple became an instructor. Xu Luo was engaged in the study of the ancient ruins on the continent and had built his own archeology team to research and uncover the long-forgotten ancient history of this continent.

Some people such as Nalan Hongwu had put down the heavy burdens and began to truly enjoy the remaining years of their lives.

Some had become entertainment or technical streamers and brought excellent game guides and happiness to people all over the world.

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