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Chapter 701: Nothing Seemed Wrong?!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"You poisoned it!" Elder Sewell was so furious. I was healing you diligently and almost worked myself to death, but you are saying that I poisoned the milk?

You kept asking for milk from all directions; how can I give milk to all of you at once?!

"What do we do now...?" The souls looked sulky in the graveyard.

"What can we do... run back and recover our corpses!"

– Ten minutes later –

"Milk! More milk!"

"How come I can't feel the healing effects at all!"

"Where's the milk?! Are you healing us?!"


The five souls gathered in the graveyard again.

"... What do we do now?" The rogue felt like crying.

"This healing... was almost non-existent!" the dwarf warrior complained.

"I..." the rogue asked tentatively, "My game time is almost up. Should we stop now and try again next time?"

The moment he said it, he quitted from the group and got offline in one breath!


Only four souls were left standing in the graveyard.

"It suddenly occurred to me..." Adolf said immediately, "I still have things to do. I will get offline now. Let's continue next time!"

[Grand Mage Adolf left the party.]

"This..." Dwarf Elder Sauk felt like today obviously wasn't his lucky day. "It seems that we can't do it now. Let's continue next time..."

[Sauk Stonehammer left the party.]

[Dwarf Raff left the party.]

Elder Sewell was at a loss for words.

She was frustrated with confusion. Is my milk really poisonous.

Different from the previous games, World of Warcraft had separate interfaces for chatting. The players could open the game interface and check the messages in different channels including the World Channel and local channels.

"Players needed for Scarlet Monastery. Anyone can come!" At this moment, Elder Sewell saw someone post this message in the channel for making parties.

"!!??" Elder Sewell froze. "Anyone can come?!"


The quest of Mythology of Titans in World of Warcraft.

Before the disaster struck Lordaeron, there was a place in Tirisfal Glades where many books were stored – the library of the old monastery. It was said that the Mythology of Titans was in this library.

This old monastery was Scarlet Monastery.

Besides the Mythology of Titans, there were many other books in the monastery including Beginnings of the Undead Threat. These books would be of great help for Mr. Fang to complete the information about the background of World of Warcraft in the official novel and the official website.

"No one answered my party invitation from my Horde character... I'll try the Alliance character..." Mr. Fang posted the invitation again, "Scarlet Monastery! Anyone can come!"

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