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Chapter 746: For the Alliance!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"What's that?!" Even the loftiest saint-level masters sitting at the Nations Summit couldn't hide the shaking in their voices.

It was probably the first time in their lives that they couldn't control their emotions, or in other words, couldn't keep the emotions from showing on their faces.

Even the commanders of the Shadow Legion stared at the scene intently.

They had never imagined that such a scene would appear on this battleground!

"What happened?!" World Mage Hematon looked at St. Dulan in horror and asked, "What did they do?!"

He looked as if he didn't believe his eyes. With widened eyes, he looked at the scene in the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection again to make sure he had seen it correctly.

At this moment, the fallen soldiers in the human alliance had almost all stood up, joining the few comrades who had remained standing. In a short time, they formed a huge army of iron strength!

In the bright light, people finally saw that it was a majestic paladin who lifted a battle hammer in one hand and held a thick libram in the other hand. Standing in the holy light, he looked like a grand god. "My name is Uther Lightbringer!"

"Godly miracle-! This is a godly miracle-!" Awe and reverence rose in the hearts of all the soldiers of the human alliance when they saw the great miracle.

"My goodness!" Seeing the old knight with the grey brown hair and the symbol of Silver Hand, the Alliance players all exclaimed. This legendary figure only appeared in World of Warcraft as an optional character and didn't show his true form in World of Warcraft, but his legendary stories circulated in every corner of the Alliance!

Like Tirion Fordring, he was also one of the first five paladins and leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand. He was also Arthas's mentor.

With the title of Lightbringer, he was the person closest to the God of Light in the legendary stories circulating in the Alliance!

"Just a human... you're bluffing!" In the sky above the Shadow Legion, the ultimate existence waved its huge sword and said, "Everyone, charge!"

Not only the soldiers of the Shadow Legion on the ground, but also the countless monsters soaring in the sky swarmed over while roaring, as if they intended to swallow the humans, dwarves, and elves who were surrounded by them.

Uther patted the griffin that he was riding on, and it flapped its wings and soared up into the high sky. Although characters in World of Warcraft usually rode warhorses, people also traveled around riding griffins and flying mounts in the game. Therefore, it was normal for characters to ride griffins.

"We're blessed by Holy Light. All darkness will evaporate!"

Although they were still puzzled about the situation, countless Alliance players were thrilled to see the legendary hero. While lifting their weapons high in the air, they yelled, "For the Alliance-!"

"For the Alliance-!" More and more people joined the roar which became louder and louder.

Even the soldiers of the Lianshan Principality and King Leidon were influenced by the contagious atmosphere and yelled with them.

These local people realized that this great miracle would save them and their principality!

The soldiers and generals of the Morning Light Empire and other kingdoms also joined the chant. The loud shouts of tens of thousands of people resonated across the whole battleground and shook the sky and the ground.

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