Chapter 2e - I want a car

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(Image is Kelli.)

Mari leaned against Angie and lightly rubbed her head against Angie's shoulder. It was something she was picking up from her wolf since it was one of the ways her wolf showed affection, "I like that idea Angie and thanks. The last couple of days have been stressful and a chance to relax away from everyone would be nice." She looked up at the taller woman, "Unless you are feeling casual how about we dress up and maybe go dancing?"

Angie let Mari nuzzle her shoulder and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. Mari was doing better but she knew that much of it was what she was allowing the world to see, "I rather like it as well and I felt you could use some girl time as well. Dan is a good person even if he is a wolf and male since they look at things differently." She gave Mari another hug with the arm wrapped around her, "I rather hoped for that and made reservations already and have some dresses picked out. Of course you can choose what you want to wear but I went with that lavender dress you love."

Just for good measure Dan huffed at Angie's teasing him even as he was heading back inside. He might consider having Suzy and maybe one or two other wolves picking Mari up from school. It might help her feel that Dan wasn't hovering. It would also allow Mari to talk with Suzy female to female if she wanted. Dan didn't know if she would want to but it would be there if Mari needed a female to talk to. Before Dan walked into the building he turned and gave Mari a good hug and a peck before turning and walking in. He didn't say anything but he knew Mari would appreciate the hug.

Mari grinned at Angie and bumped her with her hip, "For that you might just get a good massage." They were still working out the sexual aspect of their relationship as well. There were only a few females that drew Mari that way and Angie was most definitely one of them. Mari was still trying to deal with her sexual urges with both males and females. So much had scarred her that she was almost having to redefine who she was that way. Both of them knew that much of it was part of the courting Angie had been doing but they both genuinely cared for each other. So far they hadn't talked about that aspect and Mari wasn't sure when she would be ready to.

When they reached the small SUV Mari tossed her bag in the back and settled down in the front. Once Angie climbed in and after starting the car pulled out, Mari collected one of Angie's hands in hers. The people closest to her, when she touched them like this she would get a warm sensation. With both Dan and Angie there were overtones of deep caring as well. Both of them were silent as they headed to Angie's house and relaxed in the comfortable silence.

When they arrived at the house Mari had to appreciate it again. It was behind and over Angie's shop and was rather modern. The stainless steel and large glass windows just didn't seem to match with Angie but she had designed it. Inside though was different and was painted in cool comfortable colors. Where Dan tended towards a sparse yet tasteful artistic style Angie liked pottery and Native American art. The colors were warm whereas Dan tended towards cooler colors. Mari liked both but Angie's place was more homey and welcoming. She had a feeling for Dan it was due to the remoteness needed for his position in the pack.

"I have the dress and everything in my room but if you want to take it to yours that is fine." Angie turned to her and stroked Mari's face, "I do miss being with you but I know that you need time to recover. I will never push you for anything you don't want or aren't sure if you are ready for." She leaned forward and gave Mari a light kiss before pulling her into a hug, "We haven't talked about what happened when the rogue took you but I was so worried when you vanished. When I found you it broke my heart and I could only hope that Dan could help you start recovering." Her voice broke for a moment.

Mari returned the light kiss and leaned into the hug, "That is one of the reasons I trust you so much Angie. My wolf can tell that what you say is the truth. Your room is fine and as long as we keep it non-sexual it should be fine I hope. If it starts getting to much I will tell you." When she heard Angie's voice start to break Mari leaned back slightly and looked up at her, "You are one of the reasons I am still mostly all here mentally. I can't tell you why but I knew that I would see you again and that you would protect me." Her hands rubbed Angie's back in comfort even as her voice shook as well.

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