Chapter 10e - I am to sexy for my shirt...

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Once he had chased the girls out of the first floor Dan urged Steph towards his room, "I have some sweats you can wear if you want. No reason to get back into the dress at this point." He yawned and shook his head since he was tired and that was going to make him more than irritable. Tonight if anyone gave him any crap it was going to be ugly.

Steph glanced over her shoulder at him and smirked slightly, "Do I want to know why you have shirts for females not to mention sweats in your room?" She knew he was single but had to tease him just to see what he would do or say.

Dan barely lifted one eyebrow at her and when he responded it was almost deadpan, "Why for all my conquests of course. I am single and too sexy for my shirts." He pulled some sweats her size out and tossed them towards the bed. Since he was heading to work he pulled out some comfortable yet nicer cloths, "I so don't feel like going to work damn it. I have to check on the two men and file a number of reports. If you ever get a chance to own your own business just don't. It is more work that it is worth at times."

When he replied to her teasing she had to turn and gave him a shocked look before she groaned, "Marissa might be right; you do have a rotten sense of humor. I will give you the sexy bit but now I have an image of you just walking around in a dress shirt and not much else. Even worse I can hear you singing that song off tune. She chose to not comment about owning your own business. As far as she was concerned one of these days she would like to.

Dan looked instantly horrified, "Oh god you didn't go there. I will have you know that I am sexy in a shirt and I know it." Just for good measure he flounced across the room to get his cloths. He even added in some swish for good measure.

Steph had to cover her mouth and ended up falling on the bed as she tried not to die laughing at his actions, "Ah... Ah... Oh my..." That was all she could get out as she lay there gasping for breath.

Dan took advantage and dashed over to the bed and crouched over her and gave her a good firm kiss. "That is a promise for another night. I will make this screwed up night up to you." He slowly licked and nibbled his way across her lips and to one ear. When she started reacting he hopped off and started getting dressed as he whistled, "Still got it old man, still got it."

Steph hadn't been expecting that and as he nibbled on her she started feeling that fire starting. Before she realized it he was across the room continuing to get dressed, "Oh damn you Dan that was just cruel and wrong. Now I am going to be frustrated and annoyed all day." She grumbled at him as she pulled on the sweats and grabbed her dress, purse, and shoes.

Dan gave her a sly grin, "Just makes you more interested in me. Gotta keep your attention ya know." By now both were as dressed as they were walking out of the room, "I will give you a call in a few days and set up an evening together. I was enjoying last night till crap happened." For half a minute he debated on what vehicle to take and a grin crossed his face, "This way to the garage and I hope you like my other ride, well one of them." There was the Zonda, a cherry '69 Boss 402, a Honda Valkyrie, and an old Indian.

She narrowed her eyes at him and settled for following him. When he grabbed some keys and beeped a car she couldn't help but stare, "What is that thing?" Just staring at it she could almost hear the deep snarl of the engine and he hadn't even started it yet.

"Oh, not much, just a Zonda F supercar, I use it when I need to relax." He walked over and opened the door for her, "Well that and the ladies seem to go all gooey when I offer them the ride. Only one ever tried to steal her from me." His smirk was begging her to ask.

She narrowed her eyes even more, "Just for that I might start playing hard to get and make you crawl for a while." She did get in and had to smile. It was rather spare on the luxuries but man did the seat fit nicely, "Does it have a radio?" She didn't see one.

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