Chapter 3e - Who is she?

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Shanna awoke when the alarm went off and she slapped the alarm off before slowly sitting up. When she did she could still feel the scar from the wound in her side and the burn of silver from it. As she stood and walked to the wall mirror she pulled the cover off it. It was so Shanna could look at her image and a tear trickled down her cheek. The wound in her side was puckered and pale. There was a tinge of gray to it and the gray followed the lines of the scarring. As the silver slowly ate into her body it was having its impact. It made it hard for her to move without heavy meds which didn't work well due to what she was. Shanna had lost weight as well and it was obvious she was sick because of that and how pale and worn she was.

Her hair had started coming out and she finally gave up and shaved it off and now was wearing a wig. It looked almost exactly like her real hair which helped. They were working with some specialists to remove the silver but it was like chemo for humans. It could go either way and until the end they wouldn't know which way. The only thing that would truly help would be having her mate next to her. If she mated she would be able to lean on the power from her other half as she healed.

That wasn't going to happen Shanna knew since her mate was different than she was. Yes, her mate was supernatural but their kinds tended not to see eye to eye. After placing the cover back over the mirror she walked into her bathroom and took a long hot shower. It was the only thing that really helped with the pain in the morning. Once she was done she walked back out and found her cousin there, "Morning." Shanna even sounded like a pale ghost of who she used to be.

Aurora came over and wrapped her arms around Shanna, "Good morning Shanna and let me help you with the ointment and skin lotion." They were very close and had lived in the Pride house since they had been little kits.

Shanna leaned into the hug for a few moments. "I would appreciate it and thanks." Putting the lotion and ointment on the wound made her feel nauseated. After the first few times she had ended up vomiting and then back in bed for the day Aurora started helping. Her touch didn't affect Shanna's nearly as much. It still left her feeling faintly sick but at least she could eat.

Seeing the pain and agony her cousin was going through was killing Aurora but she had to be strong for her, "Any luck with identifying your mate?" It was a hard question to ask but it needed asking.

With the question about her mate Shanna sighed. "I think I know who it might be but I don't think it will work out. She is too different from me." She rubbed her face and stepped back. "I don't want to talk about it please." Shanna's voice was tired and quiet.


Mari woke that morning and was warm and safe wrapped up in Dan's arms. She loved waking this way and was so very pleased that he was giving her what she needed. Mari needed the father figure Dan had come to represent to both her and her wolf. Yes, they had made love on that one moon night but since then he had simply held her when needed. Dan held her when she needed it, he stood firm when she needed it, and even forced her to keep moving forward. Going to the therapist hadn't been fun at all. Dan had finally ordered her to go. That had given her nightmares for a number of weeks. It was tough love at its deepest and most base level and her wolf understood it. A human wouldn't since wolves were different even when they donned their human suits.

She finally rolled over and stretched for a moment before stopping to scratch her side. Mari gave a good stretch and then curled up for a moment before considering it sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed.

Dan sat up as well and grinned at her, "At least you aren't an active dreamer like some females I have been with. You curl up in a little Mari sized ball and sleep." He scratched his scalp as well and smirked at her, "Now as far as the snoring that can be a bit annoying at times."

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