Chapter 8e - Trying to deal with having a mate.

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By the time Dan made it to the hospital it was close to four am. Since he didn't realize that Mari and Shanna were awake he didn't go and check on them first. As it was Dan was shown to the secure section of the hospital where the man had been taken. As he looked through the heavy bullet proof window he could already tell the change was taking, "Damn it to hell, we so don't need this right now. I have more than enough on my plate with Mari and her finding her mate." Nobody was there and he was simply talking to himself.

Since he was one of the two Senior Were's in town he had full access to the medical records for all Were's admitted. The same was true of Joachim as well since it was very possible one of them might be required to help with a Were from the other's pack or pride. Dan glanced through the chart and shook his head, "Boy you were hopped up on more than just a few things weren't you? Should I kill you now or wait and see?" The blood test had come back with traces of THC, opiates, Ecstasy, meth, and several other drugs, "I am going to need to talk to Joachim before I remove you as a potential problem."

Dan kept reviewing the chart to see what else it could tell him. It noted that a DNA test had been run to see if they could identify who might have changed him. When changed traces of the Were's DNA were added to the human's DNA. It didn't matter if it was a rogue attack or an authorized turning it would be there. On top of that the doctors had also noted that he had been scent marked as well, "Now the real question is was that idiot who turned you just pissed off or nuts. If we end up with a new Alonzo I am going to be a mite bit upset."

As Dan was reviewing the chart Javier gave him a call to update him on the status of the search. Dan tapped his headset, "Hey Alpha, Pride Leader Joachim is here with several of his enforcers. The enforcers you sent have already started searching. I am not going to hold my breath though since the other is most likely well gone by now. I am going to assume you are going to let the Pride Leader run this end of things. I will keep you up dated on how the search is going."

Dan growled and then sighed, "Chances are he is gone and changed this one just to distract us. I am sure he knows that we would have to deal with this one first. I want every last bit of information you can find about the rogue. The morning after the moon night I am going to sit down with you, Suzy, and possibly Joachim about that section of town. The supernatural have started using it as a playground and that isn't good." Dan turned and looked into the room again, "As you said let Joachim run the search in the background. I have to go since I am going to check on Mari and Shanna since I don't have any urge to stand here and stare at the man as the change processes."

Javier had figured as much and having a sit down was a good idea, "Sounds good Alpha and I will talk to you later." He hung up and informed Joachim of what Dan had said. They had already found the end of the scent train and it had led to a vehicle of some sort. Javier had the enforcers collecting all the information they could. Since he was in law enforcement he had been asked to teach them about forensics and what to look for. Since then they had done an excellent job picking out details they wouldn't have caught before.

Even now many wolves tended to depend on their nose and hearing over everything else. He had taught them that technology as well as physical evidence was a valuable tool. As Javier was contemplating this he turned to Joachim "I talked to the Alpha and he told me to follow any orders you might have Pride Leader. I have our enforcers searching the area they lost the trail in to see what they might find. Do you have any orders?"

Joachim was standing at the entrance of the alleyway and his eyes were hard as they traveled over the scene, "Keep them doing what they are and I am going to head to the hospital. You don't necessarily need me hanging around as your forensics comes and checks the scene. My enforcers know they are to take orders from you. If you need anything call Dan or myself." He turned and stalked away to his car and climbed in.

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