Chapter 7e - The Rogue

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The two of them walked out of the club and Dan had to sigh in relief, "I really enjoy that place but I rather like my hearing the way it is." He pulled the earplugs out that he had used. They weren't really needed but it always took him several minutes to recover if he didn't use them.

She had to stare at him for a moment and then frowned at him, "Thanks for offering me some earplugs. I see how it is." Steph pretended to poke him again though she didn't poke him nearly as hard as earlier, "I think I understand even though they don't keep the music that loud thankfully, "So where is your car? For some reason I am imagining you in a mini-van." That was to tease him.

He frowned at her and added a scowl in as well just for good measure, "Just for that I might do something evil to you later on. Mari agrees that mini-vans are a vile abomination. Nope, I normally drive my SUV. Oh, speaking of which due to my job it is armored so be careful opening and closing the doors. They are well balanced but still heavy."

As they approached the SUV Steph had to stare at it, "Good god that thing is massive. I don't even want to know how much it weighs or the gas mileage." She had seen the style before but for some reason this one seemed to overshadow the others. When he opened the door for her she couldn't help but tap it with a knuckle. When all Steph got back was a dull thunk she raised an eyebrow as she climbed in.

Dan couldn't help but grin at her reaction as she checked the door and then climbed in. Once her door was closed he walked around and climbed in his, "As I said armored and heavily, I did leave the mini-gun at home though. I figured if I was going to be going dancing and maybe inviting a lady home it would be a bit of a turn off." When he started the Beast, as Mari called it, the electronics came on as well and he sighed. There was a notice on the HUD that he had an important e-mail and several messages. For now, he was going to ignore those. If critically important someone would have contacted him.

Steph frowned as she tried to figure out what a mini-gun was. The name sounded familiar but that was about it. She was about to ask what it was when the electronics came online and several panels on the dash opened up. The GPS she had expected but the HUD and others she wasn't, "Damn, I am in the wrong line of work. Oh, what is a mini-gun? Why would that be a turn off unless you are talking..." She smirked as she glanced towards his lap.

Dan grinned at her, "Well unless you like being shot at, sneered at by celebutant's, looked down on by others, and occasionally knifed... It might not be your line of work." When she asked what a mini-gun was and then looked at his lap he snickered, "Well you know what they say about men named tiny and similar... Oh and a mini-gun is a modern version of a Gatling gun. Most women might frown at their date packing one."

"Oh my... That sounds interesting." Steph chose not to say which was interesting and relaxed back in the seat as he was pulling away from the club. As much as Steph had wanted to meet him she was somewhat at a loss as what to talk about.

He smiled to himself since he could smell her uncertainty, "If you want to talk just ask whatever. If it touches something I won't talk about I will tell you. We could always play twenty questions if you want." As Dan was talking his eyes were scanning the street, HUD and as well as other sensors.

She looked at him and contemplated him for several minutes, "Hmm... I won't ask about Mari since you already indicated not to. Let's see, what is your favorite animal and why?" She had a feeling she knew what it was but wanted to hear his reason why.

Dan had to roll his eyes at that, "That is almost a gimme question you know. Yes I like wolves and it is for a variety of reasons. They are beautiful creatures and tend to be fairly direct in their actions and reactions. They also take care of their own." He had to consider her and chose a different question, "So what is your most favorite way to relax?"

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