Chapter 4e - My mate?

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When Mari's eyes met the other girl's eyes her wolf stood up in the back of her mind and howled with longing and desire, *Ours, our mate, ours!* She howled again and Mari's eyes turned almost solid purple as her wolf came towards the front.

The other girl, who had been trying to avoid Mari, flinched. It was almost as if she could hear Mari's wolf howling and claiming her. Her eyes changed colors as well right before she collapsed. For a brief moment the girl next to Shanna froze in utter and complete shock of what happened.

It was probably a good thing that Aurora hadn't moved towards Shanna since Mari took out two other girls and one of the jocks. Her wolf didn't care if she was showing her speed and strength. What mattered to her was her mate was in pain and had collapsed. Mari's wolf had taken over their body as they moved though they hadn't changed. Just before the other girl would have hit the floor Mari had caught her.

As Mari wrapped her arms around the other girl the scent really hit and Mari's wolf howled again in Mari's mind. This time it was because she was upset that her mate was hurt and in obvious pain. They could now smell the silver on her which made Mari's wolf howl even more. The one other thing was she could tell now was the other was also a supernatural being. Dan had told her that all shifters had a fur under skin scent but Mari was simply too new to identify the type of shifter.

Aurora had been shocked when Mari had damn near jumped across the hall to catch Shanna. She gave her body a good shake and squatted down, "I take it you are her mate? I am going to call Shanna's uncle to come and get her." Her voice was so quiet that only Mari would hear it, "She has been sick and needs her mate. You need to contact your Alpha as well." Again Aurora's voice was very quiet. For some reason she hadn't realized Mari was a wolf till she had scented her. This was going to be very interesting since she now knew that Mari was a wolf based on her scent.

Mari was starting to freak out at the moment. Even though her wolf was screaming mate in her mind all the crap Mari had to deal with was starting to come to the front. The idea of being tied to one person and being expected to have sex was starting one of Mari's really bad panic attacks. Dan and Suzy had been teaching her about wolves and other types of shifters, one thing they had really hit on was the whole mate thing.

Yes, she had sex with Dan but that was only once on a moon night. Since she had been found by Angie and taken in by Dan she hadn't had sex and hadn't had any urge other than the morning after the moon night. For the moment even though she was sleeping next to Dan and even Angie it was platonic. Both of them knew that Mari simply wasn't ready for anything other than that. How long it would take before she was ready for more than sleeping next to someone for comfort Mari didn't know. When Dan had told her about finding your mate she had started to have a panic attack though he had calmed it.

Now it was like being on the street again and having to put out to live. For the moment love and affection didn't equal being intimate to Mari. Sex was to survive and nothing else. The therapist was helping but much of Mari's human side was too traumatized to be able to think about it. If it had just been the hooking and her father it might have been different. The time with Alonzo had come very close to breaking her. Even now on her best days she was very cautious about people and especially males. Humans didn't affect her nearly as much since she was so much stronger and faster. With the five kids she was spending time with there was still times they would set Mari off.

The first day had been a good example of that when the one boy had asked what her skills were. There had been several other times also. Thankfully by leaning on her wolf as well as contacting Dan had kept anything from happening. Now Mari was starting to have flashbacks as well as starting to have a panic attack. Her mind was getting close to shutting down and just reacting and Mari knew that would be a really bad.

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