Chapter 14

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Making her way to the Library early the next morning, she began her search through the logs again. But this time, only pulling those with the name 'Gabriel' written on their spine.

The new apprentice shows promise in her abilities. I believe she will make a good successor.

She had walked along the perimeter of the room, lighting every torch hung against the wall. They all burned high today, illuminating every dark corner in the chamber. If there was someone in here with her today, she would know for certain.

The apprentices had written about their excitement and documented all the tests Archmage Gabriel had put them through. However, it was in the Archmage's logs that she read that his successor had already been chosen.

Today she was able to set a forearm and mend the skin to near perfection. She truly is a worthy successor.

Dawn closed the log. Letting loose a tired breath. The Library was in a state of unrest, the transfer of the title of Archmage had left them all worried of the changes to come. Had the new mage not been favoured? Was that why they had left the Library?

Returning the log to their place Dawn looked around her. Why had this chamber gone unnoticed? The scholars dusted and rearranged the scrolls above every day, yet this room had a thick layer of dust covering every surface.

Walking toward the only empty wall, she grabbed the torch burning near her and held it up to the stones.

The rock had been chipped away in some regions and the gold detailing had tarnished overtime. She ran her fingers along the raised edges. Wiping the dirt away a design of a snarling animal stared back at her. Its lip curled back over its sharp teeth.

A vision of Hunter standing above the Guild member flashed before her. He said he and his people had protected The Lands in times of war. Had he protected the mages? Returning her gaze to the design she couldn't help but think she had seen it before.

The profile of the snarling animal was framed by a circle similar to the mandala outside. Brushing more of the dirt away, the snarling animal was surrounded by concentric circles of alternating gold and onyx rings.

The gold reflected the light from her torch while the black stone seemed to collect it. Looking closely, the black stone looked to have layers that moved and coalesced. She followed a thin stream of glimmering light as it dipped and sprung up from within the stone.

The sound of something falling startled her. A worm book lay on the floor.

Leaning down, she noticed that it had 'Gabriel' written on the cover. This was odd, she thought, she distinctly remembered reading through all of the Archmage's logs. Opening it, there was only one entry.

I have passed on my title to my successor. She will guide the new apprentices well and grow the Library. However, I have told her to stop submitting her logs to the Library. There is evil brewing in the castle and the Royals do not heed my word. The Queen's child is due in the coming nights, but I fear that the child is in danger. The prince is set to return. I will try to speak to him. I pray it will not be too late.

It was written two decades ago. Dawn tried to remember the history lessons her father had forced her and Jane to sit through as children. She remembered her father's voice as he told them stories of The Lands and the battles that had raged through the kingdom. The king came to us during a dark time, The Lands had lost all hope but King Arnoldus became a pillar of light in a world of darkness.

A world of darkness? Archmage Gabriel never spoke of perilous times. Ilaburn appeared to be prospering; the Queen was pregnant and the King was healthy.

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