Chapter 33.2

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Peering below, she saw remnants of ships that had been pulled in by the water and crashed against the dangerous rocks, shredding the hull. One ship was caught between two pointed rocks, the blue sails torn and flapping in the wind.

"I see we have visitors."

Two women stood behind them, dressed in long white satin shifts. The fabric trailed behind them as they stepped forward. She stood to the side, Hunter and Gavin positioning themselves to block them from the women's path. She saw Gavin's hand resting on his dagger as the other held the torch up. The women continued their leisurely pace toward them, Hunter moving his hand to the ivory pommel of his sword.

They saw this and the corner of their lips twitched. The moonbeam illuminated their raven hair. The strands were lifted by a phantom wind that blew around them. With closer examination, Dawn noticed the colour of their eyes. It was an oceanic green, not emerald or green tinted with grey. It was the colour of the open sea.

"Why have you sought us?"

Their lips formed the words, their voices intertwining until they became one. Dawn felt a shiver pass through her body as the phantom wind carried their raven hair back as they walked, no—glided toward Hunter. She itched to come between them and him, to stretch her arms wide and prevent them from coming any closer to him.

But something kept her arms firmly at her sides.

"You, Fae Prince. Why are you here?"

Hunter tilted his head back. The vision of casual bravado, and drawled. "I have come to seek passage to the Twin Peaks."

"And why shall we grant you such?"

"You require freedom from this place." He said and the wind blew, revealing shackles around their ankles. The links of a black chain lay on the ground, beginning from their shackles and disappearing into the dark night. Hunter glanced down at the shackles, "If you aid me at this time, I will remember the generosity in the future."

They were exact replicas of each other and once again they spoke in unison.

"The future is not written. Why shall we help you now, Prince?"

Dawn saw Hunter's jaw clench. Go to him. A voice inside her commanded and she felt her feet move. The voice pushed her forward until she stood in front of the Sisters. Her mouth opening as the words were pulled out of her.

"The future is not written. Which means we have to power to write it for ourselves."

Their eyes shifted to Dawn and she was taken aback by the translucent sheen in them.

"What are you, child?"


"You mistake our question. We asked you, what are you?"

Dawn ignored their question. "What or who I am does not matter. We seek passage and if you have a desire for freedom and a future without chains you should help my Prince."

She felt Hunter's eyes on her, but she did not move her gaze from the Sisters. They surveyed her until identical smiles graced their faces.

"We shall help you. This world is not our home. Years of being trapped on this plane has worn us down. But heed our warning. We do not give favours without a price. There will be a time when we will call on you, girl. And you must answer."

Dawn felt a whisper of the phantom wind grace her cheek as it wrapping around her shoulders and flowing down her arm. She followed the sensation with her eyes until the winds left her and returned back to the Sisters.

The women stepped forward, walking past her they went to stand at the edge of the bluff. The links of the chain locked as it was pulled to its length. With outstretched arms, a haunting song left their lips. The long notes echoed over the bluff, capturing her every sense until all she wanted to do was find where that heavenly sound was coming from. When the song stopped, the Sisters turned back to them.

"Your ship awaits you."

And true enough, when the group descended the cliff, they found a ship with blue sails bobbing in the water, waiting for them.

Once they were onboard, wind caught their sail, pushing the vessel through Forboro Sea. Glancing back, she watched as the sisters stood on the edge of the bluff, their dresses glowing in the moonbeam. She could have sworn she saw their mouths. The words sending a deadly chill down her spine.

You must answer

"What were they?" Dawn asked Hunter, who stood silent beside her.


Dawn gave a sound of surprise and he turned around to add. "And you just made a deal with the very same creatures that drive men to sail their ships into their bluffs."

"You mean..." She looked back at the cliff, growing smaller as they sailed away. "Those women were Fae?"

He shook his head. "Not Fae, they are a being unto itself—two bodies but one soul. Whoever chained them to that cliff will rue the day they are released."

A shiver went down her spine.

Hunter sent her a sidelong glance. "Get some rest."

He took a few steps away from her before he stopped. His back was still turned to her as he looked over his shoulder. "There is something about you, Rentradie, and I can't exactly put my finger on it. I hope I don't regret my decision in trusting you."

With that he left, disappearing down the hatch of the ship. The sails moved on their own, catching a gust of wind needed to carry them across Forboro. And standing there, under the sail, the night air kissing her cool skin she couldn't help but think, I hope so too.

A/N Next chapter is the final chapter of this book. Book 2 is in the works and I will start uploading that soon. Book 2 is called, "The Crown in the Mist". I'm so excited for you to read it! There will be romance, scary creatures, and we learn more about this elusive fae world.

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