Chapter 16.1

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Dawn avoided the Library. After waking up in the chair in Luke's room, she had quietly slipped away. He offered his room to her again the next night, but she had refused. He had solemnly nodded and said that if she ever needed someone, his door would always be open. Despite refusing his offer, Dawn found herself standing in front of his chambers and knocking on the wooden door.

"I promise this is the last time."

Luke nodded. Slipping by him she stood in his room. A quiver of arrows rested on the chair she had occupied and a matching bow rested on ground beside his bed. The sheets were thrown askew, as if they had been pushed aside in a hurry. Turning back she took in the thin linen shirt and the tousled appearance of his blond hair.

"Were you about to sleep?"

He cleared his throat. "Uh, yes—no, I was out hunting and my bow string broke. I was about to restring it before I turning in for the night."

There was an angry red welt on his forearm.

"Do you have any bandages or linen cloth?"

Luke furrowed his brow but turned to a set of drawers on the far side of his small quarters. He handed her a roll of white linen and she gestured for him to sit on the bed. Obeying her silent request, she took up the spot beside him.

"If you don't clean this and bandage it, you risk the chance of sickness." She explained while pushing the linen fabric of his shirt away from the torn skin. Grabbing the small flask she saw on his desk, she sniffed the contents. It was weak but it would suffice. Generously pouring it over the skin she dabbed at the wound.

"Oh Gods! Dawn! A little warning would have been nice!" She smiled but continued to work diligently. Once the wound was clean, she wrapped the area with linen and toke extra care to not pain him any more than necessary. He had been so nice to her these past few nights and a part of her felt the need to repay him for his kindness.

"Why were you hunting? Doesn't Gus order directly from the butchers?"

He held the linen as she knotted the ends and tucked them under one of the layers. Satisfied with her work she returned the flask to his desk and the rest of the linen to the drawer.

Inside there were more arrows, some missing the fletching and some with warped shafts.

"This wasn't for Gus. I wanted to clear my mind so sometimes I just burrow one of the horses and go for a ride. Today I felt like hunting."

She nodded, understanding the need to clear ones mind with a ride on horseback. She missed riding, urging Lily to jump over fallen trees or race at break-neck speed just to feel the wind against her face and the strength of her loyal mare.

"I understand." A longing look gracing her features.

He arched a brow. "You know how to ride?"

She snickered. Oh, did she know how to ride. "I can keep myself in a saddle."

He caught on and grinned, "Tomorrow, I am taking you on a ride through the forest."

"I look forward to it."

Deeming the conversation done, she moved to sit on the chair when he caught her hand. "Take the bed. I still need to string my bow."

She gave him a jerky nod before rounding the bed to the other side. He grabbed the hemp string and bow and sat on the chair facing the bed. Dawn watched as he anchored the body of the bow against the floor. The muscles in his arms flexed and strained against the linen pushed up passed his elbows. Luke was strong, in the subtle and unsuspecting way. She had seen the strain of his clothes over his muscles when he helped Gus but seeing the unobstructed muscles in question she gulped.

Turning away from him, she pulled the throw over her shoulders. Luke grunted and she turned to her side, his jaw were clenched and his lip curled over a row of straight white teeth. He pulled the string up until it sat taught in the bow. He strummed the string and tested the tension. Catching her gaze, he grinned and drew back the string, aiming the empty bow at her. He let go and the newly strung bow snapped forward.


He smiled and set it down beside the quiver of arrows.

Pinching the flame on his desk, he extended his legs out and leaned back in the chair. His frame was barely contained in the small wooden chair, and from her experience sleeping in it, she knew he would not be comfortable.

The bed was big enough for both of them and clutching the throw closer to her nose, she breathed in Luke's scent. It was earthy and smelt of pine trees in the spring, when their sap was beginning to thaw from the cold winter months.

"Uh—" she paused to clear her throat, "You can sleep on the bed too."

He opened one eye and peered at her through the dark. "You don't have to make yourself uncomfortable for my sake."

She shook her head. That was absurd.

"Please, I insist. I am the one making you uncomfortable."

He gave her a kind smile, before walking to the bed. She looked up at him, still hidden under the throw.

"Thank you"

He slipped under the covers and closed his eyes. Still on her side, she watched his relaxed expression and the gentle rise and fall of his chest evened out.

He was asleep.

Turning her back to him she watched the flickering flame and sure enough, she too drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 

A/N Chapter 16.2 coming soon. Like, comment, and share. Thank you for your support. 

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