Chapter 18

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Elias and Hunter had retired after dinner and Gavin had taken the opportunity to ask Tal if she would like to keep him company by the fire outside. They sat in comfortable silence, watching the stars. He looked up at the night sky and found the familiar constellation. Leaning toward Tal, he pointed to the Twin Peaks. She followed his finger and nodded, seeing the five stars create the image of the fabled mountains.

"How are you?" her voice asked him, and he turned to gaze into her amber eyes. From the moment they met, she had been able to look through all his guises. And the more time he spent with her the more he felt that she would understand his fears. Yet he had never thought to bare his soul out to the female, no matter how often he wanted to. She would never fully relate to his situation, but he knew that she would not judge him for how he felt. And with the coming days, the uncertainty of whether they would have this time again or not, pushed him to say the next words.

"I cannot shift." Gavin spoke. And silently he continued, "And I fear I never will."

He waited for her to ask him more or, worse, turn away from him. But Tal rested her hand over his and squeezed. He looked up at her, eyes slightly wide.

"Tell me about your other form."

He felt a weight lift from his shoulders. If Tal had turned away from him, he feared he would not know how to continue living. "An eagle. I still dream about flying through the sky sometimes. The wind rustling through my feathers."

He let out a long breath, remembering the days when he would take to the skies. When all it would take was a single thought and he could escape from his pathetic life.

"When we were younger, Hunt and I were a force to be reckoned with. Wolf and Eagle. But now I feel that I am letting my friend down."

Tal gripped his hand tighter. He felt his body tremble as the emotions he had so often pushed back came barrelling forward. Tal's hand was still over his and threading his fingers through hers, he held her hand in his—as if this small contact would keep him from spiralling into his thoughts. Looking in her eyes, he did not see pity or sadness. Although he expected those two emotions and had seen them in so many eyes, he was halted when he instead saw pride and determination.

"You are a magnificent person. You care for your friend deeply and it shows. Hunt does not hold anything against you." He listened to her melodious voice as she spoke the words he so desperately needed to here. "And I am grateful to have met you."

He wanted to tell her about all the awful thoughts that had wreaked havoc on his mind and convince her that he wasn't a "magnificent person". He had been a terrible friend and knew that Hunter would never forgive him nor trust him the same.

That was what he wanted to say.

But she kept her eyes on him and he watched as they shone with such deep emotions that they looked to be flickering like a flame. And in that moment, only the need to capture her lips with his made any sense. So he leaned forward and saw her eyes widen briefly before dropping down to his lips. The fire ignited and he growled as his lips touched her's. He wanted to be gentle, especially when she stiffen in his hold. But Tal soon relaxed and leaned further into him. His hands moved on their own, circling her waist and drawing her into his lap.

Her hands went to his shoulders, her fingers threading into his hair. It was heavenly. It was otherworldly. He was not one to believe in the Gods but, Gods, he felt blessed. Her low moans of pleasure fuelled him and he gripped her waist, turning her until she lay on the forest floor.

He peppered kisses along her neck, biting and nipping at her skin.

"You are honourable." She moaned. "You are allowed to put yourself before others."

He pulled back, resting his forehead against her's. Their laboured breathing mixed in the space between them.

"Gavin, open your eyes."

He did. And he was struck by her. The final cog in the machine put into place.

"You may have made mistakes in the past, so have I. But that just makes us perfect, for each other."

He kissed her again. There were no words he could offer, only his touch and the emotions that flowed through him. They lay on the ground, Tal resting in his arms.

"You are leaving tomorrow?"

He hummed. "I set Hunt's plan in motion."

She tighten her hold on him and he swelled with delight.

"Come back to me safely."

"I will."

The next morning, he left for the city. He had a small bag of coins hidden in his cloak and pulling his collar up, he stepped off the main cobble stone paths. Slowly, the voices of the vendors began to die down and the smell of piss and excrement replaced the scent of perfumes. He slowed down until he stood in a dimly lit alley. The discolouration in a corner was questionable as he reached in his cloak for the coin bag. He threw it a few paces in front of him and the clink of the silver coins echoes off the walls around him.

A moment of silence passed as he scanned the rooftops and windows.

"I have a job for you." His voice broke the silence and after a moment the faint footsteps of someone approaching filled the empty alley.

A man covered in dirt and grim appeared. He grinned, flashing his missing teeth and rotting gums.

"We're listening."

A/N A little bit of Gavin and Tal for you.

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