Chapter 15

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Gavin stood in his room. The sun was just beginning to peak above the horizon, washing away the dark night. The cabin was silent as the outside world began to wake. The morning birds sang their songs as they took to the sky. Watching their small wings catch the wind and fly up into the clouds sent a pang of envy through him.

They were free. They could spread their wings and fly to wherever their little hearts desired, while he was limited by his bipedal form and forced to rely on horseback when travelling. Those birds were his superior, but melancholy would not help his situation. He had been down that road, and it was a dark and lonely path that he did not want to be reacquainted with. Pushing those emotions deep into the recesses of his mind, he stepped away from the window and out into the world.

The scent of the morning air had always helped to clear his thoughts before be donned his charming mask for the day. And as he broke out into a gentle jog, he watched the trees and foliage move past him. After many years away from the Continent, he was finally surrounded by the trees that had been his home when he was younger. He did not remember much of his parents but again, there wasn't much to remember. Elias had picked him up off the streets, a boy of only ten years brandishing a rusted blade against the decorated General. Hunter had been his only friend during those early years—a street urchin, plucked out of a fighting ring did not attract friendships. And, Gavin noted, children of that age had a tendency to be cruel. But being the only two that had animal forms, they became allies. A force to be reckon with.

Until the lock was forged.

And soon, he could no longer be a friend to Hunter.

They were near Bellenau, a small fishing town just west of Tenense. The two had stopped to rest when Hunter mentioned a sharp pulsing pain. They had assumed it was from their job that had gone sour, resulting in them facing against four hired guards. It was hardly a fight; the men were poorly trained but one of them had fought without honor and hit Hunter with the pommel of his sword when his back was turned.

It was safe to say that the fool's days were already numbered but after that strike, they had completely run out.

And so, the duo had stopped at Bellenau and found a small tavern where they ate. But it was when Hunter began complaining about the pain growing that he became worried. He could remember clearly the words he said.

"You should lay down. Don't want you fainting in our next fight." He had chuckled. Poking fun at his friend and imagining the broad shouldered, menacing male fainting like a young chit amidst a fight.

Hunter did not appreciate the joke and had instead opted to take a walk. He had followed suit, worried that his friend was trying to pass off his pain as a minor inconvenience. He knew his friend; he would never stop if the pain was not truly debilitating.

They had walked a few steps into the forest when Hunter fell to his knees. He clutched his head and groaned from the growing pain. But before Gavin could offer his friend help, he had let out a loud groan and fell forward on his hands and knees. Yet, it was not Hunter that stood in front of him. It was a black wolf with rippling muscle. The wolf panted and looked at itself. The wolf turned to Gavin and a pair of blue eyes met his before it let out a joyous howl.

However, Gavin could not celebrate his friend's new discovery. For he never felt a pulsing pain in his head. No matter how hard he tried, he was still stuck in his human form. Limited by his human senses.

But Hunter could now track scents, hear conversations from far away, and finally be free in the world. But it was not a complete release from his bonds. When Hunter turned back, it was to his human form. And although Gavin would never admit it, it brought him some joy to know that his friend was not truly free. That he had not left him behind completely.

Those thoughts disgusted him. And the longer Hunter stayed in his wolf form the more those thoughts troubled his mind.

Until one day he had decided to force the shift. Taking his sword, he had hit himself with its pommel. He groaned in pain and Hunter had found him sprawled on the ground, his head covered in blood from where his skin had torn from the force of the pommel.

After that day he was too embarrassed to face his friend and so he had left in the middle of the night. He had packed his daggers and walked away from the one friend he had, all because he could not suffer through the horrible thoughts that plagued his waking hours.

Not wanting to think more about that dark time in his life, Gavin stopped to catch his breath. He had increased his pace and was sprinting through the trees. Resting his hands on his knees, he drew in air to his screaming lungs. He turned when he heard the sound of a branch breaking.

A pair of amber eyes met his and he stood up taller.


She grimaced, "Must you call me 'Talora'? You sound like my mother."

He chuckled as she neared him. She wore a cloak over her dress, and he could see her leather boots peeking through as she stepped toward him.

"I was walking through the trees when I saw you racing by." She said and Gavin watched as her amber eyes twinkled with mischief. "I would think the whole Royal Guard was on your tail."

He scoffed. "Now that would be a sight to behold. Those pompous golden suits wouldn't be caught dead running through the filthy forest."

Tal smiled, "Yes, they wouldn't want to get any dirt on those shiny suits of armour."

He laughed and took in the sight of her. She truly was a beauty. Her lovely hair glimmered as the morning sun peeked through the canopy. And her exotic features easily made her the most striking woman in a crowd. But it was not her obvious good looks that attracted him to her. It was her heart and her kind soul. When he had received his letter from Elias and found Hunter, he was surprised to see him travelling with a woman. But Tal was quick to declare that their relationship had been platonic at best. Hunter had grumbled in agreement and Gavin had decided that he quite enjoyed the company of Talora. Especially when he teased her by using her full name.

"Why are you out in the forest?"

He waited for her answer but all he got was her mischievous smirk and the elusive answer of, "I could ask you the same thing, but I opted not to."

Nodding his head and bowing theatrically he expressed his undying gratitude toward her for not interrogating him.

She let out a laugh at his exaggerated gesture and he thought that he quite enjoyed that sound and wanted to hear it again.

Smiling, he remembered the small charm still in his pocket.

"I bought this for you. Since it is your first time in Ilaburn, although not exactly in the city." He said as he handed her the small handmade charm that was meant to be pinned to her cloak.

She held the charm out and looked at the glass on which two triangles, depicting The Twin Peaks, were painted. It was held together with turquoise thread that formed a fringe, off which small beads hung.

"Thank you, Gavin. I love it."

He continued to look at her, entrapped by her presence and the gentle way she held the charm up to the light. It was then that Gavin realized that it was not a charming mask that helped him through the day.

It was Talora. 

A/N This was one of my favourite scenes to write. 

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