Chapter 24

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Dawn left the Library only to be blocked by spears held by two castle sentries.

"Let me through. I am a guest of the King's"

They ignored her until a voice answered from behind them. "The King has asked for your attendance at dinner."

She peered around the spears and saw a man dressed in a long brocade robe with gold detailing.

"Sorry, you must be mistaken. I am not someone who dines with the King." Dawn said and tried again to walk past the sentries.

"Your name is 'Dawn' correct?" The man asked. Nodding she took another look at the man. "Then you are who His Majesty has asked to have present for dinner."

The sentries stepped back.

"Follow me, I will take you to where the King waits." He was a short man, but from the tilt of his chin and the way he watched her, he considered himself above such tasks. As they neared the King's chambers the guards were replaced with the King's Royal Guard. Their golden suits of armour reflected the glow of torches and instead of spears, they carried swords fastened to their hips.

"The King is inside."

Pushing the door open she saw a long table with servants standing against the back wall. The King was seated at the head and seeing Dawn enter, he gestured to the seat across him. "Have a seat, Dawn."

She felt her heart begin to race as she neared the opposite end of the table. One of the servants pulled out a chair for her. A plate of food was set in front of her and freshly polished cutlery was arranged to her left and right. All the while the King leaned back in his chair and sipped the goblet of wine in his hand.

Dawn looked down at the food on her plate and waited for the King to say something.

"You may leave us." He finally said and the servants filed out of the room. The door shut behind them with a thud, bathing them in pregnant silence.

"How are enjoying your stay in Ilaburn?"

Dawn kept her eyes down and responded. "The city is beautiful."

"That it is." The King chuckled, setting his goblet down. "Did you know that I am not from Ilaburn? I came here in my youth, but I was born on the neighbouring lands."

Dawn listened to the King. The food remained untouched between them. She didn't respond or offer any comment on the information, so the King continued. 

"I heard the most peculiar thing the other day." The King rested his elbows on the table and clasped his hands under his chin. "The scholars told me that there was an attack in the Library. You weren't there, were you?"

Dawn gulped as she met the King's eyes. He raised an eyebrow in question and waited for her response. "I'm not too sure what you speak of, Your Highness."

He smiled at this. "Well that is good. The elderly woman who watched over the entrance of the Library has been tried for her crimes. She was hung this morning."

Dawn's eyes widen. The King saw this and continued. "We cannot have the safety of our scholars at risk. Her job was to monitor the entrance and she failed, placing the lives of our scholars at risk. If someone had gotten hurt, then that would have tarnished the reputation of the Royal Library. Don't you agree?"

Dawn nodded her head, but the King's words began to anger her. He spoke of the reputation of the Library and the kingdom as if it was his. But he was a fake. A tyrant hidden behind smoke and mirrors.

"Yes, I agree. The Royal Library must be protected." Dawn answered and before the King could continue, she added, "you never know when someone would want something that is not meant for them."

The King narrowed his eyes, but quickly recovered. "That is true," he said and taking a fork and knife from his setting he began cutting into his food.

Bringing a small piece of meat up to his mouth the King made a scene of taking a bite. 

"When people go looking for things that aren't meant for them, that causes a problem. People should stick to their lives and try not to change what should not be changed."

Dawn clenched her jaw and through gritted teeth she said, "when a mistake has been identified then it is only natural that it must be rectified. As a King, don't you agree...Your Highness?"

The King continued to cut through his food and take leisurely bites. Taking a napkin, he dabbed the corners of his mouth before setting it beside his plate.

"'Mistakes' are subjective. So, to one that could be something that must be rectified while to another it could be something that must be preserved."

Dawn watched the King reach for his goblet again and sipped the dark red liquid. He smiled and his wine-stained lips gave the appearance of a bloodied mouth.

"Since we are talking about peculiar things. The old woman told me something quite interesting before her trip to the gallows." The King stood up and began walking toward her. She sat up taller in her chair and glanced at the door.

"She told me that there was an interesting guest residing in the castle. Any idea who she was referring to, Dawn?" The King asked as he stopped a few paces in front of her.

"Unfortunately, I haven't conversed with many of the guests here. So I am not much nor do I know, Your Highness." Dawn answered.

Clicking his tongue, the King shook his head. "Neither do I. She tried to leverage her life for that information. But I am not that kind of King. However, I do have other ways of finding out who this special guest is. So, if anything comes to mind, do let me know. If not, then my men will surely find out for me."

The King looked at Dawn and after a period of pin-drop silence he bid her farewell. Once he left through the door, the servants marched into the room and cleared the food. They took the untouched plate in front of her and the room was cleared out in record time.

"You may return to your chamber."

Dawn broke out of her trance and saw the man that had escorted her standing near the open doors. Standing up she walked past the man and without a word she walked through the halls of the castle, back to her chamber.

A/N The King is sketchy.

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