My Tutor

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Itadori's POV

I was currently in my Math sitting not really caring about the results i had on my test. Yes, we had a test today and i literally didn't have an idea what anything meant, i felt like my brain was gonna explode. Who invented Math anyway? What are we supposed to do with Math? Do we use algebra to communicate with people?.

Anyway, the teacher was currently passing all the test results, mine eventually came and as expected, i got an F. Not really surprising, i usually get a D, C or F. Can you blame me? Studying is boring and too much work.

Sighing as the bell rang, everyone was now headed to the cafeteria. Yes lunch, my favorite subject of all.

Just as i was about to head out, the teacher suddenly cleared his throat. "Itadori Yuuji stay here for a second" 'ugh what does he want now' i thought obviously annoyed. I was so excited to get lunch.

"yes sir?" I questioned. "your grades have been really bad lately" 'yeah no shit Sherlock' i thought while rolling my eyes. "sir please get to the point" he sighed "im having one of the students tutor you"
"WHAT?! WHY?!" I yelled at him, why would i need a tutor?? Yeah my grades are bad but a tutor? Seriously? I am honestly done with life.

The teacher just stared at me not answering the question "You know why" i rolled my eyes "fine, but don't expect me to be improving" the teacher only smirked giving me a we'll-see-about-that look.

"You will both be meeting at the library when class ends. His name is Megumi Fushiguro. Please be nice to him" I only hummed in response. Megumi Fushiguro? Familiar, maybe he's one of my classmates that i never pay attention to. I don't really pay attention to my classmates. I hardly even know their names!!

Groaning as i made my way to the cafeteria.

-time skip brought to you by me accidentally choking on my toothpaste-

It was finally the end of class. I happily got out until I remembered I was supposed to meet my tutor today. Ugh i wanted to go to my dorm and watch the new episode of Sk8theinfinity, it was just getting spicy.

Making my way to the library i saw a black haired boy sitting down currently reading one of his notes. I didn't notice that i was staring until he turned to look at me. I turned away in embarrassment.

"Itadori Yuuji" i turned around as I heard my name being called. Was he my tutor?
"Ah yes?" "Im Megumi Fushiguro, your tutor" oh! He is!. Never thought I'd have such a pretty guy for a tutor.

I sat down beside him trying to hide my reddened cheeks. "so what subject are you failing at?" "Uhh- everything" he just turned to me giving a 'seriously' look.

(kinda like that^^)

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(kinda like that^^)

"okay then, why don't we start with literature" he said in a unamused tone. "ok!" i replied quite enthusiastically.

This was gonna be a long day.....

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